  Table of content    
  1. Is Avocado Safe For Cats? Real-Life Stories
  2. Can Cats Eat Avocado?
  3. Which Parts Of An Avocado Should Cats Avoid?
  4. Signs Of Persin Toxicity in Cats
  5. What To Do If Your Cat Eats Avocado?
  6. Which Fruits Are Safe For Cats?
  7. Conclusion: Can Cats Have Avocado?

Can Cats Eat Avocado? Nope–Here's Why You Might Regret It If You Feed Them

Many pet owners wonder, "Can cats eat avocado?" and “Is avocado toxic to cats?” It's a good question because avocados are tasty and nutritious, but are they safe for our feline friends?
Before you allow your cats to take a taste, it's essential to grasp the potential risks and signs of avocado toxicity in cats when they eat this fruit. Let’s find out!

Is Avocado Safe For Cats? Real-Life Stories

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A Reddit user by the name of u/ZymosisTheAlien posted the following question on the r/pet subreddit:

can cats eat avocado - avocado for catsSource: ZymosisTheAlien

The concerns raised by u/ZymosisTheAlien are both valid and relatable. Many pet owners have found themselves in similar situations, sharing a moment of curiosity between their feline friends and the fruits or snacks we enjoy.

Redditor r/tinyplastictrees suggested not worrying too much if a cat consumes a small amount of avocado.

can cats have avocado - is avocado bad for catsSource: tinyplastictrees

Redditor r/Jeepersca shared a story of their cat Boo stealing guacamole, but the cat was okay afterwards.

is avocado okay for cats - avocado cats toxicity

Source: Jeepersca

is avocado toxic to cats Source: Google Images

Redditor r/lemon_melon shared that their cats have eaten a lot of avocado flesh. But thankfully, they haven't had any problems.

are avocados safe for cats - avocado safe for catsSource: lemom_lemon

According to a vet the Reddit user r/theonlycrazyonehere used to work with, most dogs and cats can handle small amounts of avocado without a problem, although some might get a tummy ache. But it's different for birds; even a little avocado can make them suffer severe avocado toxicity.

can cats have avocados - is avocado ok for catsSource: theonlycrazyonehere

So, is avocado poisonous to cats?


Can Cats Eat Avocado?

are avocados toxic to cats - can cats have avacado Source: Google Images
The short answer is that cats can eat a minimal amount of ripe avocado flesh without apparent harm.
But if your cat has a history of stomach issues like gastritis or pancreatitis, it's better not to give them avocado. Dr. Rebello, an expert, says, "Avocados have a lot of fat, and that might upset a cat's tummy or make things worse for cats with these tummy troubles."
Also, avocado is not recommended for kittens due to their underdeveloped immune systems and sensitive stomachs.

Which Parts Of An Avocado Should Cats Avoid?

can cats have guacamole - cat eat avocado Source: Google Images
Cats should avoid eating a substantial quantity or specific parts of the avocado plant, like the leaves, skin, and big seed. But why?
Avocado contains a substance called "persin," primarily concentrated in these parts. This substance can be a little bit harmful to cats and dogs. Not only cats and dogs, but avocados are also actually very bad for some animals like birds, rabbits, horses, and goats because of this "persin" stuff.
Additionally, the big seed inside can pose a choking risk for your cat. So, keep an eye on your cat if they want to try some avocado.
Can cats eat avocado oil? Yes, cats can safely eat avocado oil, but just a small amount because it may contain traces of “persin” from the fruit.

Signs Of Persin Toxicity in Cats

can cats eat guacamole - are avocados good for cats Source: Google Images
It's relatively rare for cats to consume enough avocado to trigger persin toxicity.
However, it's crucial to be aware of the signs of “persin” toxicity in cats. Symptoms can include:
  • Gastrointestinal Distress: Vomiting and diarrhea are common initial signs when a cat has ingested a toxic amount of persin.
  • Breathing Difficulties: In severe cases, cats may exhibit labored breathing and respiratory distress.
  • Fluid Accumulation: Persin toxicity can lead to fluid accumulation in the chest or abdomen.
  • Lethargy: Cats may become unusually tired and unresponsive.

What To Do If Your Cat Eats Avocado?

can cat eat avocado - can cats eat avacado Source: Google Images

Seek Immediate Veterinary Care:

If you suspect that your cat has ingested a large amount of avocado or is showing any signs of persin toxicity, contact your veterinarian without delay.

Share Details:

Inform your vet about the quantity of avocado ingested, the parts consumed, and the duration of time since ingestion. This information can help guide the treatment.
cats and avocado - are avocados bad for cats Source: Google Images

Monitor And Comfort:

While waiting for professional help, keep a close eye on your cat and provide a calm and comfortable environment. Try to minimize stress, as it can exacerbate symptoms.


The old adage "prevention is better than cure" holds true. It's best to avoid feeding your cat avocado altogether to sidestep potential complications.

Which Fruits Are Safe For Cats?

is avocado good for cats - can cats eat avocados Source: Google Images
Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their primary dietary requirement is meat. However, some fruits can be safely offered to cats occasionally.
Here are a few fruits that are generally considered safe for cats:
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Bananas
  • Pumpkin
  • Strawberries

Conclusion: Can Cats Have Avocado?

can cats eat avocado - avocado for cats Source: Google Images
So, can cats eat avocado? Is avocado bad for cats? Well, it's better to play it safe and not give avocados to your cat or let them eat their leaves, skin, and big seed. Even though the flesh itself isn't very harmful, there could be complications. So, when you think about avocado and cats, remember that there are lots of tasty and cat-friendly treats to choose from.
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