Woman Finds Flowers All Over Bedroom Every Day - Then Relizes They Were Left By A Secret Admirer
After a tiring day at work, a woman in New Zealand came home with a delightful surprise: her bed covered in flowers. Intrigued and puzzled about the sweet gesture, she couldn't figure out who the thoughtful sender might be.
So, who had left her the flowers?
The mystery unraveled the next day when a fluffy gray cat appeared at her window, carrying more blossoms.
The woman was clueless about the origin of the cat, later named Fiddy, but she instantly developed a deep affection for her.
“She had fleas and worms, so I took her to the vet to get treated and to check for a chip. No luck,” Fiddy’s mom wrote on TikTok.
Fiddy and her new mom formed a strong bond, with Fiddy consistently bringing flowers almost every day. The woman later located Fiddy's previous family, who couldn't care for her anymore, and happily adopted her into her new home.
Fiddy knew she had found a new family that loved her, and she didn't take it for granted. She decided to show her appreciation every day by bringing flowers to her mom. This heartwarming gesture is a daily reminder of her love, and there's no sign of it stopping.

Camellia flowers, in particular, have become a common gift from Fiddy.
“I think the most amount of camellia flowers I have received in one day is 10 or 11,” Fiddy’s mom wrote. “I am still getting a few to several a day, and there are still heaps of flowers left on the bushes.”
Fiddy spends her day collecting these flowers while her mom is at work, making her love language clear through gift-giving.
“Coming home to all of Fiddy's hard work brightens my day,” Fiddy’s mom wrote. “I feel absolutely spoiled and so blessed!”
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