Orca ‘Punts’ A Seal 70 Feet Into The Air Amid Gulls, Leaving Viewers Stunned
The natural world is full of astonishing and sometimes brutal displays of predator-prey interactions, showcasing the extraordinary abilities of apex predators like the orca, also known as the killer whale.
One remarkable event that has captured the world's attention is the incredible display of an orca punting a harbor seal an astonishing 70 feet into the air. This spectacular moment remains one of the most astounding moments ever witnessed in the animal kingdom.
The Transient Orcas

Transient orcas, a unique type of orca found off the U.S. West Coast, are known for their preference for marine mammals as prey.
These highly intelligent creatures have developed incredible hunting techniques, one of which involves tossing smaller animals to stun or kill them before feasting on their catch. This captivating event taking place near Port Angeles in Washington State was captured by Alisa Schulman-Janiger, co-founder of the California Killer Whale Project. It left everyone in awe.
“It’s still the most astounding thing I’ve seen,” Schulman-Janiger told FTW Outdoors. “A momentous moment in my life.”
The Male Orca: TO69C

The main character in this incredible show was a male orca named TO69C, who was around 20 years old. Even though he was a young adult among orcas, his strength and accuracy were truly amazing.
After trying three times, TO69C managed to throw a harbor seal more than 70 feet into the air. It flew above the seagulls, and everyone watching was completely amazed by what they saw.
A Memorable Piece Of Nature's Wonders
Researcher Alisa Schulman-Janiger shared her interesting experience on Facebook. She described the moment when TO69C flung the harbor seal into the air and the seal soared above the circling gulls was unforgettable.
“After three failed attempts, adult male T069C tossed a harbor seal more than 70 feet up into the air, sending it flying wide-eyed above the circling gulls!”, she shared.

The researcher added, “I took five photos after my highest capture, with no seal in sight; lowered my camera, looked for the seal – and saw it splash down next to the submerged orca several seconds later!”
“His mom T069 and two siblings were hunting nearby; all enjoyed harbor seal for lunch.”
The images and video of this astonishing event have now become memorable pieces of nature's wonders.
Debate About the Seal's Height
After this incredible event happened, experts and people who really like this stuff had a considerable debate about how high the seal reached when it was thrown into the air.
At first, they said it was around 70 feet, but some folks thought it may have been even higher. No matter the exact number, what's clear is that this is one of the most incredible things ever seen when it comes to how good orcas are at hunting.
The world of nature never ceases to amaze us, and the remarkable display of an orca punting a seal 70 feet into the air is definitely one of the most astounding moments ever witnessed in the animal kingdom.
What are your thoughts on this remarkable orca hunting display? Share them with us in the comment section below!
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