Researchers Are Elated To Find Extremely Rare Polka-Dotted Babies Wriggling In Their Mom’s Pouches

Western quolls play an important role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling tiny invertebrate populations, including certain reptiles and birds. However, the number of western quolls is decreasing, which is a sad truth. This makes it important to take steps to conserve and protect them.
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) wrote in a press release, “Following European settlement, their range contracted dramatically. Apart from reintroductions, they are now found only in the south-western corner of [Western Australia], and even within this region, their distribution is patchy.”

“Through regular monitoring, we can see the quolls are doing well at the sanctuary, and encountering the first pouch young is a positive sign that they have adjusted to the new environment,” AWC senior field ecologist Georgina Anderson shared.
This month, people who care about animals brought a bunch of quolls across the country to help them live in more places. It looks like what they're doing is making a difference.

Anderson said in the press release, “We are thrilled to see that Mt. Gibson’s Western Quoll population has settled in. They're showing promising signs of successful breeding.”
This story is a testament to a promising step forward in the journey to conserve these creatures. For more stories about animal conservation, click here!
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