Coyote Pup Reported Being Alone On Street, And Kind Police Officer Couldn't Just Turn His Back On Him

The tiny creature was found near Suffolk Downs, alone and seemingly frightened by its surroundings. The first thing Carlo did was try to find the baby coyote’s mom. However, even after looking around carefully, the baby's mom was nowhere to be seen. It became pretty clear that leaving the little pup alone on the busy highway would be risky.
Faced with the challenge of finding immediate assistance, Mastromattei contacted animal control officials. Unfortunately, nobody was around to help because, at that late hour, all nearby wildlife rehab facilities were apparently closed.

So Carlo reached out to Ocean View Kennels, and, with the cooperation of owner Lisa Cutting, he finally found a crate for the little coyote.
However, worried for the little animal, Trooper Mastromattei and his girlfriend, AnnBeth, who is a passionate animal lover, decided to take care of the pup by themselves. And they brought the pup home, where they could keep him cozy and fed through the night.

The next day, the baby coyote was moved to Tufts Wildlife for a thorough examination, and luckily, his health condition was pretty good. All thanks to Carlo, who rescued the little animal just in time, saving it from any potential danger.
Following the check-up, the pup was sent to the Berkshires, where wildlife specialists would work towards rehabilitating him, aiming for his eventual release back into the wild.

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