
400-Years-Old Pet Door Still Opens To Cats Nowadays

Hey there, ever felt like you're your cat's personal doorman? You know, the constant back-and-forth of opening the door whenever they want a stroll outside or a cozy return indoors? Nah, we have solutions for things like this, and it’s simple: Install a pet door.

Well, guess what? It turns out, people 400 years ago had the same problem, and their solution was just as the same as what we have today: the pet door.

Now let’s go back in time and land at Exeter Cathedral in the UK. Imagine an old door attached to a stunning astronomical clock, complete with a cat-shaped hole carved right into it. Historical information tells us that good ol' Bishop William Cotton made sure this unique door was installed in 1598. Why? Well, it seems he wanted his feline friend to lend a paw to keeping the cathedral rodent-free.

According to author and historian Diane Walker, the clock's lubricating animal fat made the cathedral a rodent hotspot. So, the cat door wasn't just practical. Moreover, this already created a whole new version of the famous 'Hickory, Dickory, Dock' nursery rhyme.

But wait, there's more! Cathedral cats weren't just living the cushy life with their personal doors; they were actually employees. Historical records provide details on these four-legged-friends’ salaries, ranging from 13 to 26 pence per quarter. Was it a bonus for a job well done, or perhaps there were two cats sharing the duties? The history books don't reveal that part.


While there might be older cat doors out there, Exeter Cathedral proudly boasts of being one of the earliest, according to Walker.

Now, fast forward to today. The ancient cat door is still doing its job. Audrey is the current feline resident, who regularly takes her royal walks through this historic catflap. Sadly, the tradition of a paycheck for cathedral cats is only a thing of the past.

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