Woman Gets Condemned For Putting Housemate's Dog In A Kennel Before Her Holidays
Once upon a housemate saga, in a land of shared bills and equal chores, two friends coexisted harmoniously. Then, a furry twist entered the tale – a dog. They agreed it's her dog, and our OP won't moonlight as a pet caretaker due to her demanding job.
The plot thickens with spontaneous trips by the friend, leaving OP holding the leash last minute. Now, the climax unfolds. Another trip approaches; our OP, a diligent planner, communicates their family holiday plans.
The friend, true to her form, extends her absence, ignoring messages. Facing a crossroad of choices, our OP makes a bold decision – a luxurious doggy hotel.
Messages sent, bags packed, OP rushes to the station, leaving the friend's dog in capable kennel hands. Cue the friend's sudden responsiveness. A rant ensues about affordability, irresponsibility, and misplaced dog-handling authority.
A choice made, consequences faced – is our OP the hero or the villain of this housemate fable? You and Reddit decide.
Here's the full story

Fair enough

Again, agreed on good terms

It's strange that OP didn't know the housemate's schedule

OP knows OP is right and plays hard


Doing the right steps before going back to the family

You are irresponsible, not OP

No, You're not the AH

Yep, OP is not the AH and also a decent person

And don't do that again in the future

I think she can pay for it

Yep, get a new one

Do this next time, if you're still living with your housemate

Yeah why OP's housemate is like that

Similar situation in a lot of this subreddit

Best reply

You're a decent person, OP. Don't think otherwise

Me too if I were OP

So what do you guys think? I can clearly see that OP is not in the wrong here and the housemate is surely the one that can not take care of the dog. Give us your comments below.
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