Woman Had A 9000 Euro Bag Destroyed, Reddit Thinks She's Not To Blame
Meet OP, who is preparing to move in with her boyfriend as his current roommate (F) is moving out. The night before the move, OP informs the roommate of the plan, and she acknowledges it but leaves some belongings, including boxes and bags, in the living room before going to bed.
In the morning, when OP considers asking the roommate to clear the living room, her boyfriend suggests handling it themselves later. During the move, OP notices a big bottle of champagne on the floor and, concerned about breakage, places it in a carton bag along with some clothes.
Unbeknownst to OP, this bag contains a 9000 euro Chanel handbag, a gift from the roommate's friend. The bag ends up with a wrinkle due to the placement of the champagne bottle. The roommate discovers the damage and blames OP, demanding compensation for a new handbag.
Here's The Full Story

New Life For The Couple

Things Seem To Work Out Fine

Should Have Looked Further But Can't Blame OP

Oh Dear That's 9000 Euro Bag

Not Really She Should Have At Least Told Them About The Bag

Sometimes Life Is Like This You Can't Do Anything About It

Let's See How Reddit Helps OP

It's Really Esh Here

I Guess It's Hard To Find Somewhere Clean

OP Has A Small Part To Blame Too

Everybody Asking The Same Question

Simple As That

Why She Can't Put That Bag With Her?

Ramdom Boxes Be Damned…

Something Is Off Here

Some People Would Also Notice That

OP Can Pay Someone To Fix It

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