Redditor Decides To Let Roommate Be Kicked Out Of The House Without Informing Him
Meet "OP" (m20), and their flatmate, Mike, with whom they've been companions for about four years. While the initial months of living together were tolerable, Mike often delays rent payments, and consumes a significant portion of shared groceries. When confronted about these issues, Mike becomes defensive and isolates himself in his room.
OP then decides to lock up their own groceries laundry soap, softener sheets, and protein powder in their room. Additionally, OP owns most of the household items, including the bed Mike sleeps on.
The conflict escalates when Mike, who is responsible for the Wi-Fi bill, changes the password. Despite Mike's misconception about the length of their lease, thinking it's a two-year commitment when it's only one, OP decides not to correct him and plans to move out without notifying him.
So what's Reddit's verdict on this one?
Here's The Full Story

Maybe They Should Have Not Lived Together

He Did What?

Freeloading Roommate Found!

Don't Tell Him Let Him Have It

You're Right Be Careful OP!

Even That


Don't Think He Is Not

Not Your Fault Entirely He Got It Too

So what do you think? Give us your comments below!
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