Shelter Hosts Wedding Ceremony For Bonded Dogs, Hoping That They Will Be Adopted Together

Emma Ackerman

Meet Jack and Diane, a loving senior pair of dogs with an extraordinary love story. Initially abandoned at a Maine cemetery, they later found themselves sheltered by the love and care of the Kennebec Valley Humane Society. Unfortunately, six months passed at the shelter without a single offer for a loving home.

Although Jack and Diane received warmth and care at the shelter, their desire to have a family of their own still remained. However, adoption presented a potential issue: the duo could be separated if adopted by different owners. And the shelter staff, deeply moved by the incredible bond between Jack and Diane, couldn't bear the thought of them being apart. 

So that’s why they came up with a heartwarming solution: a wedding. They made them a wedding so that they could never be apart. Besides, this was also a very creative way to introduce this lovely couple to potential adopters.

The shelter came up with a heartwarming solution to advoid the couple's seperation: a wedding. Source: Kennebec Valley Humane Society
“The staff joked about them being our old married couple,” Stevanie Roy, the shelter director, shared. “When we thought of ways to promote them, we chose to marry the two bonded mates.”
The two lovely canines had the best wedding ever. Source: Kennebec Valley Humane Society
To bring these two lovely canines the best wedding ever, the shelter transformed into a wedding venue filled with decorations, white flowers, and especially a beautiful veil for Diane. The charming ceremony took place on a rolled-out carpet, with Jack waiting eagerly at the homemade altar.
Meet Diane, the beautiful bride of the wedding. Source: Kennebec Valley Humane Society
Surprisingly, instead of saying traditional vows, the dogs expressed their joy by showering the shelter director with wet kisses. Later, the celebration continued with a pizza party, where the canine couple snuck pepperoni slices from the hands of the staff.
The two lovely canines had the best wedding ever. Source: Kennebec Valley Humane Society

Adorable, isn’t it? What was even more heartwarming was that the shelter's wish was eventually fulfilled shortly after the wedding, when the two dogs were adopted.

“We’re so excited to share that after TEN LONG MONTHS at KVHS, which include their wedding and honeymoon, Jack and Diane have finally been adopted into a loving home!” shared Kennebec Valley Humane Society.

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