Shelter Cat Loves Holding Hand With Anyone Passing By His Cage

Emma Ackerman

From the moment Tigger was rescued, he became a standout member of the volunteers’ hearts. Starting at Associated Humane Societies (AHS) Newark and later finding his way to Loving Hands Cat Rescue, Tigger's charming personality never fails to attract everyone’s attention around him.

“[He was] sweet, playful, cuddly, and funny,” Tamara Ramos-Sadel, technology and fundraising coordinator at Loving Hands Cat Rescue, shared. "Tigger would always look for attention from AHS Newark volunteers as well as volunteers at Loving Hands Cat Rescue.”

And you what? Other than his friendly attitude wherever he goes, what truly made Tigger stand out was his unique method of greeting people. In both shelters, he uses just the same way to send a lovely “hi” to humans and capture their hearts, but interestingly, it always works.

So this is what he does to win everyone over every time. Tigger would extend his paws through the bars and patiently wait for someone to give back with a hand to hold.

This strategy was just so cute that AHS Newark had to make it a video on TikTok, and predictably, the internet was taken by storm by this charming gesture. The video quickly reached up to 500k reactions and 2k comments not long after it was posted. However, the most wonderful thing that happened was that Tigger got his adoption!

“He was quickly adopted after he arrived at our shelter,” Ramos-Sadel said. “He was adopted with Cali, his AHS Newark shelter cage neighbor. Both were at our shelter for a month or so.”

Now, Tigger and Cali enjoy the best life together. Their days are filled with the simple joys of observing squirrels and chipmunks through the windows, and neither of them ever lacks attention. And it is happy knowing that Tigger's persistent hand-holding has paid off, ensuring he never has to worry about seeking love again.

The story is lovely, isn’t it? If you love Tigger and his small little paw, like the article and share it with your family and friends. For more captivating stories about cats and dogs, check out AUBTU.BIZ now!