Woman Got Kicked Out Of The Restaurant For Confronting Customer About Their Service Dog Sitting On Chair Instead Of Floor

Leona Martinez

The woman (OP) steps into a fancy restaurant to have a simple solo dinner, but it turns into a story of unexpected events. She spotted a dog at a nearby table taking up a seat, so she decided to bring it to the staff's attention. Little did she know, this would set off a chain of arguments and a run-in with the manager.

Things got heated as the dog's owners defended their choice, claiming rights for service dogs. Amidst the clash, the OP stuck to her belief, citing ADA guidelines. The manager returned, but instead of resolving the issue, he surprisingly asked the OP to leave. Frustrated and feeling unfairly treated, the OP exited the restaurant. Keep reading to unravel the details of this unexpected dining experience.

Woman got kicked out for being the problem Source: wagwalking.com (not the actual photo)

The OP shared:

AnxiousAioli4425's storySource: AnxiousAioli4425

OP observed a service dog occupying one of the 4 seats at the table, so she reported the violation to the waiter and manager, but they refused to address the situation

The table, upon hearing the OP's complaint about their dog occupying a seat, engaged in a heated argument, claiming rights, while the OP insisted on ADA rules

The manager ultimately requested the OP to leave, leaving her feeling it was unjust

Commenter claims OP lacks qualifications and is unnecessarily stirring conflict

Commenter claims OP lacks qualifications and is unnecessarily stirring conflict Source: IamIrene

If no one cared about the dog in the chair, the OP might come across as an insufferable know-it-all

OP might come across as an insufferable know-it-all Source: TheHamsterMage

Commenter asserts that the OP is in the wrong and she shouldn't intervene in the restaurant's discretion

Commenter asserts that the OP is in the wrong Source: Reddit User

Commenter criticizes the OP for potentially disrupting a family's evening without cause

Commenter criticizes the OP for potentially disrupting a family's evening without cause Source: Qargha

Commenter can't find any ADA regulations specifying that service dogs must be on the floor or are prohibited from occupying seats

Commenter can't find any ADA regulations specifying that service dogs must be on the floor Source: GHERU42

The restaurants have the right to decide where dogs can sit on their property

The restaurants have the right to decide where dogs can sit on their property Source: KartlindWitch

The seating of service dogs is at the discretion of the business and local laws

The seating of service dogs is at the discretion of the business and local laws Source: SeekingBeskar

The OP should have minded her own business and allowed everyone to continue having a good night

The OP should have minded her own business Source: Hot_Box_4574

The restaurant and the dog's owner may have already reached an agreement

It's none of her business

It's none of her businessSource: Rude_Independence_14

OP got kicked out for being the problem

There was no reason for the OP to intervene

There was no reason for the OP to interveneSource: Little-Helicopter-69

What do you think after reading the OP's story? Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments. Also, if you've ever been through something like this, share them with us too!