Man Goes Shopping For Cat Food And Then Realizes He's Going Home With A 25lb Bag Of Cat

Cora Wilson

During a routine shopping trip for cat food, a man unexpectedly found himself leaving with more than just supplies—a 25-pound rescue cat named Pumpkin.

Love sparked instantly as Pumpkin caught the man's attention with his distinctive squeak.

SPCA adoption center Source: GREGORIOtheLION
Reddit user GREGORIOtheLION explains, “When I walked into the PetSmart to get food, I saw this dude, Pumpkin, in the SPCA adoption center. His paperwork said he was 25 lbs and came from England."
they brought him to the US from England Source: GREGORIOtheLION

His previous owners brought him to the US from England when they emigrated. However, when they had a child, they felt he was "too needy" and decided to give him up, despite him being a part of their family for six years.

The man couldn't resist Pumpkin's charm when the cage door opened, and the cat squeaked at him.

“I called my wife in from the car because when the employee opened the cage for me, he literally squeaked at me. It was love at first sight for us,” he added.

Love at first sight Source: GREGORIOtheLION

Love at first sight prompted them to adopt Pumpkin, who came with the task of reducing his weight.

With the adoption came instructions that whoever adopted him needed to get his weight down. But the man, having experience with weight management for his other cat, embraced the opportunity to provide Pumpkin with a forever home.

he’s actually 21.8 lbs Source: GREGORIOtheLION
“The vet said he’s actually 21.8 lbs, and we need to get him to 13. He’s the most affectionate cat we’ve ever had. We normally don’t keep the name they come with, but what else do you call a 25 lb orange cat?”
He loves the tree in the office Source: GREGORIOtheLION

After bringing Pumpkin home, he quickly adjusted to his new environment.

"He loves the tree in the office where we're keeping him while he gets to know our other cat, Bartleby. When we let Bartleby in for a few minutes, he smells everything in sight," the new owner shared.

Pumpkin just relaxes on the couch Source: GREGORIOtheLION

In contrast, Pumpkin just relaxes on the couch, conveying a sense of comfort, as if to say, "I don't need to smell anything. I'm home."

The family decided to give him a new name, inspired by his origin and their street name: Pumpkin Cumberbatch Pierce, the Duke of Hebron.

a testament to the power of love Source: GREGORIOtheLION

Pumpkin's adoption story is a testament to the power of love and the unexpected joy that comes from opening one's heart to a furry friend in need.