Australia Strikes Again! Man Goes Into Boxing Mode With 7-foot Kangaroo After It Tries To Drown His Dog

Michelle Hall

If you live in Australia, you automatically have +20 percent survival stats, no joke. People have seen buffed kangaroos, kangaroos stealing food, kangaroos attacking tourists, etc. So kangaroos bullying dogs is nothing sort of unheard of.

This time, another video of Australian vs. Kangaroo went viral again. The video features Mick Moloney, an Australian man engaging in an unexpected boxing fight with a formidable adult kangaroo. 

The dramatic incident unfolded by the Murray River in Australia's Victoria, where the man was compelled to confront a "seven-foot-tall" kangaroo to rescue his pet dog from a perilous situation.

Man fist fights kangaroo to save his dog Source: YouTube

The viral video showcases the kangaroo standing in the middle of the river, trying to drown a dog. In the midst of the struggle, the man can be heard exclaiming, "I'm going to punch your f*king head in. Let my dog go." The gripping footage was initially shared on TikTok but quickly spread across social media platforms, garnering over 10 million views on one platform alone.

As the story goes, the protagonist of this astonishing video is a martial artist who embarked on a search for his missing dog. To his astonishment, he stumbled upon his beloved canine trapped in the clutches of a powerful kangaroo. 

The situation took a dire turn as the “bully” pulled the dog into the river, leaving the dog's head barely above water, gasping for air.

Man fist fights kangaroo to save his dog Source: YouTube

It's possible that the dog had pursued the wild kangaroo toward the riverside, and in an act of self-defense, the kangaroo resorted to dragging its opponent into the water. Wanna play huh? Drink sum, mate!

The video then briefly becomes shaky as Moloney lands a decisive punch on the kangaroo, momentarily obscuring the view. When the recording continues, both Moloney and his dog, Hatchi, are seen emerging from the water, while the kangaroo remains in the river, looking utterly senseless.

In a subsequent clip, Moloney is depicted checking on his dog and displaying his bloodied hand to the camera, a testament to the intensity of the confrontation. He later recounted the gripping incident to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). 

Man fist fights kangaroo to save his dog Source: YouTube

Moloney explained that he had been stretching on the riverbank when he realized that Hatchi, his Akita breed dog, was missing. A thorough scan of the surroundings revealed a large kangaroo in the river, its arms submerged in the water, staring back at him.

Moloney then spotted Hatchi in the water, seemingly ensnared in a headlock by the kangaroo. He vividly described the distressing scene, with water gushing out of Hatchi's mouth and the dog yelping in desperation. 

Despite his initial efforts to deter the kangaroo with loud noises, Moloney ultimately had to face the muscular creature head-on to rescue his buddy. In a touch of humor, he likened the kangaroo's physique to that of a newly released convict.

"The muscles on this thing, I was like 'this thing's just got out of jail' or something … it was jacked," he said.

Before wading into the murky water, Mr. Moloney made sure to take out his phone to document the extraordinary encounter.

"I thought, I've got to video this, because no one is going to believe this," he explained.

Describing the intense moment, Mr. Moloney acknowledged having "a bit of a tussle in the water" with the kangaroo.

Man fist fights kangaroo to save his dog Source: YouTube

"The kangaroo basically looked like it was about to kick the legs out at me, and I splashed some water in its face and tried to take off, and it had another go at me as I was leaving.

"I got my dog back, that's the main thing."

Wildlife Victoria's CEO, Lisa Palma, suggested that it's plausible the dog had initially chased the kangaroo, prompting the wild animal to enter the waterway in an effort to escape.

Fortunately, Moloney and both the creatures remain unharmed after the incident.