“Coyote-looking” Puppy Now Looks Completely Different After Two Years

Emma Ackerman

Hey there, animal lovers! Let me hit you with a heartwarming tale that proves the incredible magic of love. Picture this: a scruffy stray, a real-life coyote lookalike. Fast forward two years, and BOOM! A fluffy, lion-like buddy shows up. It's a journey filled with love, healing, and jaw-dropping transformation. Get ready because this story is going to tug at your heartstrings, and you won't want to miss a single furry detail!
A dog that looked very similar to a wild animal. Source: The Dodo

The story began back in 2021, when Henry, an animal rescuer, and his friend came across a dog that looked very similar to a wild animal in Baja California. At first glance, his hairless appearance painted a picture more akin to a coyote than a domesticated dog. Yet, beneath the rough exterior, Henry could feel right away that there lay a spirit yearning for nurture and compassion.

The dog was later named Simba, and it actually took time to help him get in the car and bring him to the shelter. The dog got scared and tried to run away. He seemed not too friendly at first; however, when sharing about him, Henry said: “He’s very nice.”

It took time to help him get in the car and bring him to the shelter. Source: The Dodo

They then arrived at Los Adoptables Shelter, and later, with the right care, Simba's transformation started happening. His once-bare skin sprouted a lush coat, turning him from a coyote lookalike into a fluffy lion in no time. This physical transformation, remarkable as it was, marked only the beginning of Simba's incredible journey.

Following that, Simba found his way to The Animal Pad, a rescue center in San Diego, with hopes of securing a forever home. However, the scars from his past haunted him, rendering him hesitant and fearful, unwilling to let anyone close.

He didn’t let anyone get close to him. Source: The Dodo

He didn’t let anyone get close except for Emma Castor, the co-director of behavior and wellness at The Animal Pad. She had always been the one working with Simba, and she gradually formed a unique bond with this four-legged friend. Determined to help the dog overcome his fears, Emma brought him home, and the huge friend had his chance to experience an actual home for the first time.

“It was his first time living in a home.” Emma said, "I remember the first time I tried to get him up on the couch. He was too uncomfortable to have anything other than all four feet on the ground.”

The huge friend had his chance to experience an actual home for the first time. Source: The Dodo

“That slowly changed, where he was learning that he could do something that made him a little bit nervous,” Emma also shared. “He starts doing these little hugs.”

Not long after that, Emma's dedication began to pay off, and Simba, once too anxious to lift a paw, gradually started showing signs of trust. It's been two years, and all the playful behaviors, like awkward hugs and the courage to jump onto a couch, became milestones in Simba's journey toward confidence and trust.

Simba, once too anxious to lift a paw, gradually started showing signs of trust. Source: The Dodo
With each passing day, Simba's true personality began to shine through. No longer the scared, hairless coyote from the streets, he blossomed into a playful, loving dog, eager to make up for the lost years. Whether making new friends or simply relishing the comfort of a couch, Simba enjoyed his best life with newfound enthusiasm.
Simba enjoyed his best life with newfound enthusiasm. Source: The Dodo

Yet Simba's story didn't just end there. The next chapter opened when his quest for a permanent home finally came true. Introduced to a potential family, they were not just any family; they were dedicated, loving, and had a dog resembling Simba. The new adopters even invested weeks and months in getting to know Simba, just to make sure that he was a perfect fit for their family. And the result seemed like a match made in heaven.

However, the transition was undeniably emotional for Emma. Letting go of a companion with whom she had spent so much time proved challenging. But witnessing Simba's joy with his new family, especially alongside a sister who mirrored him, gave her comfort.

You can watch his full story here and see how Simba has changed over 2 years.

Fast forward a few years, and the reunion between Emma and Simba is nothing short of touching. The joy in Simba's eyes, the happiness radiating from his new mom, and the evident bond they shared overwhelmed all who witnessed this heartwarming story.

So if you love this adorable canine and his story, don’t forget to like and share her story with your family and friends. For more amazing stories about the animal kingdom, check out our Homepage now!