‘Angriest Otter’ In Santa Cruz Is Stealing Their Boards And The Reason Behind

Cora Wilson

Meet Otter 841, once dubbed "California's angriest otter" and now making headlines for a heartwarming reason. This feisty sea otter surprised onlookers with the arrival of a fluffy otter pup, marking a new chapter in her life. While the otter community welcomes new members, the need to protect them from media attention emphasizes the importance of maintaining a respectful distance for their well-being and survival in the wild.

Otter 841, California's angriest otter, has a fluffy otter pup

Otter 841 Source: The Independent

Otter 841 was once infamous as "California's angriest otter" for its aggressive interactions with surfers off Santa Cruz, CA.

In the past summer, this sea otter made headlines for its aggressive behavior as it attacked surfers and stole their boards in broad daylight. It turns out there was a reason behind the less-than-amicable temperament: gestational hormones.

This sea otter, closely monitored by wildlife enthusiasts like Mark Woodward, surprised onlookers when she was spotted with a fluffy otter pup in the water. "I couldn’t believe it," he said. "I think I let out a yelp when I saw it."

Though a team is being deployed to the site in the meantime, authorities have yet to officially confirm the birth (signs point to a new addition to the otter community).

The past aggressive behavior exhibited by Otter 841 during its gestational period sheds light on the hormonal changes that can make expectant otters more defensive.

A new chapter in the life of Otter 841

California's angriest otter Source: The Independent

The recent sighting of a fluffy otter pup alongside 841 in the waters off Santa Cruz indicates a new chapter in her life. She's given birth to two otter pups in the past, and while her first survived, her second, born this spring, did not.

"While wildlife biologists suspected sea otter 841 may have been pregnant earlier this year, they were unable to verify the pregnancy without capturing the sea otter to perform a full health evaluation,” Ashley McConnell, communications team leader at the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, explained of the latest pregnancy.

While wildlife biologists suspected her pregnancy earlier this year, the hormonal surges related to gestation could explain her previous aggressive behavior, especially towards surfers. And scientists have chosen not to capture the pair for evaluation.

The need to protect 841 from media attention

Gena Bentall of Sea Otter Savvy emphasizes the need to protect 841 from media attention. After capturing headlines during the summer, the increased public interest attracted boaters and kayakers, contributing to the stress of the expecting mom.

“People need to know they should give her space,” Woodward stated plainly. He noted that federal law requires boats to keep a distance of 60 feet. Leaving them alone is the best thing we can do to ensure their peace and happiness.

"To help give sea otters and their pups the best chance at survival in the wild, it’s important for members of the public to give them and their pups space, especially when recreating on the water,” McConnell also said.

While the allure of getting up close and personal with adorable animals can be irresistible, maintaining a respectful distance is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the creatures in question. It not only ensures the safety of individuals but also preserves the natural behaviors and habitats of these captivating beings.

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