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  1. Did Joe Rogan Return To YouTube?
  2. Who Is Joe Rogan?
  3. What Is ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ ?

Is Joe Rogan Back On Youtube? Update On His $250 Millions Spotify Deal

Is Joe Rogan back on YouTube? In 2024, Joe Rogan, the host of ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, made a significant return to YouTube. This move was facilitated by a new deal with Spotify, which allowed his podcast to be distributed across multiple platforms, including YouTube. Despite previous restrictions and controversies, Rogan’s return marks a significant moment for his podcast, potentially leading to increased listenership and ad revenue.

Did Joe Rogan Return To YouTube?

Did Joe Rogan Return To YouTube?
Yes, Joe Rogan has returned to YouTube, following his new deal with Spotify in 2024. Joe Rogan’s return to YouTube in 2024 can be better understood in the context of his comments during a podcast with Katt Williams. Rogan explained that one of the reasons he moved to Spotify was because they had a vested interest in his success. He didn’t worry about being pulled from YouTube, but he did mention some “weird shenanigans” they would do with demonetizing specific episodes randomly.
“It’s one of the reasons why I went to Spotify. It’s because they had a vested interest in me succeeding. Like, instead of worrying about me being pulled from their network. It’s not that I never really worried about that with YouTube. But it’s always possible, and there were some weird shenanigans they would do with demonetizing specific episodes just randomly." - Joe on why he wasn't on Youtube
This suggests that his initial move to Spotify might have been influenced by a desire for more stability and control over his content. It’s plausible that the original contract with Spotify included a clause that restricted him from posting on YouTube, in order to drive audience traffic to Spotify.
However, the recent contract extension he secured with Spotify in 2024 appears to have changed this. The new deal, which is estimated to be worth up to $250 million, includes an upfront minimum guarantee, plus a revenue sharing agreement based on ad sales. A significant change in this new deal is that ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ will no longer be exclusive to Spotify. The podcast will soon be available on other platforms such as Apple, Amazon, and notably, YouTube.
This shift in distribution strategy marks a significant moment for ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’. While the previous deal limited the show’s reach to Spotify users, the new deal allows for a broader audience across multiple platforms. This could potentially lead to increased listenership and ad revenue for the podcast.
Fans of the podcast are clamoring for his return to YouTube - because they no longer have to use Spotify!
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Who Is Joe Rogan?

Joe Rogan, born Joseph James Rogan on August 11, 1967, is a multifaceted personality known for his work as a UFC commentator, podcast host, comedian, and actor. He hosts ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, one of the most popular podcasts globally, where he discusses a wide range of topics with a variety of guests.
In 2024, Rogan continues to be a significant figure in the world of podcasting. His podcast, ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, has hit a milestone with over 2,326 episodes, attracting over 11 million listeners per episode. The podcast has achieved over 200 million monthly downloads, emphasizing its widespread popularity and influence.
Rogan’s journey on ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ has been marked by his distinctive blend of Entertainment, education, and enlightenment. He has hosted a diverse range of guests, from comedians and musicians to scientists and political figures. His ability to engage listeners with thought-provoking content and discussions continues to make his podcast one of the most-listened-to globally.
In addition to his podcast, Rogan has also made headlines for his political views. In 2024, he revealed his support for Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ potential presidential run.
Despite the controversies and criticisms that have surrounded him and his podcast, Rogan’s popularity remains undiminished. His fearless approach to tackling complex issues and his commitment to providing a platform for open and honest discussions continue to resonate with listeners worldwide.

What Is ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ ?

What Is ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ ?
is a popular podcast hosted by American comedian, presenter, and UFC color commentator Joe Rogan. The podcast was launched on December 24, 2009, on YouTube by Rogan and comedian Brian Redban.
The show is known for its long-form conversations with a diverse range of guests, including comedians, actors, musicians, MMA fighters, authors, artists, and beyond. Topics discussed on the podcast span a wide range, from current events and comedy to politics, philosophy, science, martial arts, and hobbies.
In 2020, ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ became exclusive to Spotify as part of a deal reportedly worth more than $200 million. However, as of 2024, the podcast is no longer exclusive to Spotify and is available on other platforms, including YouTube.
Despite various controversies and criticisms, ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ continues to be one of the most-listened-to podcasts globally, regularly receiving millions of views per episode.
One of the main criticisms has been Rogan’s hosting of far-right guests and the use of racially insensitive language. His views on the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines have also been a point of contention. He has hosted a number of guests who expressed views that contradicted medical consensus, leading to accusations of spreading misinformation.
In January 2022, Rogan faced backlash for hosting Dr. Robert Malone, who has been accused of spreading Covid misinformation. This led to calls for Spotify, which hosts ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, to take action against Rogan.
Rogan’s political views have also been a subject of critique. While he often champions personal freedom and limited government intervention, he has been criticized for promoting antisemitic tropes.
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