“It’s Been A Journey” Tom Hiddleston Opens Up About His MCU Future

Lucas Aquino

Loki Season 2 is widely considered one of the best MCU shows in 2023, and its glorious ending in Episode 6 further cements its place as one of the franchise’s best ever. The second season gives the God of Mischief an epic conclusion to his 12-year character arc, as Loki sacrifices his own freedom to protect the Multiverse and his friends. 

Now, as the God of Stories, Loki has all the time and powers in the world, but in exchange, he has to stay in the timeline for an eternity to keep the Multiverse in check. This rather shocking ending makes fans speculate about Tom Hiddleston’s character in future MCU movies, as his journey with Loki is seemingly coming to an end. So what’s the actor’s answer? Is his adventure as Loki over? Let’s find out.

#1. Hiddleston’s Latest Answer Implied That His MCU Endeavor Is Over

Hiddleston’s Latest Answer Implied That His MCU Endeavor Is Over Source: Marvel

With Loki’s sacrifice in Season 2, it seems that the Asgardian’s redemption arc in the MCU is reaching its conclusion. In his 12-year run in the MCU, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki has always been a fan-favorite character, although he mostly appears as a villain. Therefore, Marvel fans are looking forward to hearing any confirmation from both Marvel and the actor about the God of Stories’ fate after Season 2.

And in his most recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Tom Hiddleston sat down and disclosed about his character’s fate after Loki Season 2’s finale. He mentioned how the second season concluded his “6 films, 12 episodes, and 14 years” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

#2. Here Is Hiddleston’s Full Response

Here Is Hiddleston’s Full Response Source: Jimmy Fallon's YouTube Channel

“If you haven’t seen it I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say this, it all comes full circle. It’s the conclusion to season 2. It’s also a conclusion to season 1 and season 2. It’s also a conclusion to 6 films, 12 episodes, and 14 years of my life. I was 29 when I was cast. I’m 42 now. It’s been a journey.” The actor shared.

“[...]. And in the first Avengers film, Loki comes down to earth, looks straight at Sam Jackson as Nick Fury and I say ‘I’m Loki of Asgard, I’m burdened with glorious purpose’ and he’s arrogant, he’s hubristic, he’s puffed up, and he’s going to take over the world.” He continued.

Loki MCU Future Source: Marvel

“[...]. At the beginning of season 1, Mobius played by Owen Wilson, the best ever. He basically shows Loki that the glorious purpose was a fallacy, and he gets kind of a second chance. And I think that was the most exciting thing about this show was seeing Loki trying to rethink and rediscover that sense of purpose we can all relate to.[...].” The performer concluded.

As Hiddleston mentioned how Loki Season 2 has perfectly wrapped up the character’s story and development, we can all understand what he implied: His extensive journey as the God of Mischief is over. Now, as the new guardian of the Sacred Timeline, Loki will look over his friends and family in a brand-new position.

#3. Why Marvel Studios Shouldn’t Drag Loki’s Story Any Longer

Why Marvel Studios Shouldn’t Drag Loki’s Story Any Longer Source: Marvel

While we all want Tom Hiddleston to return as the charismatic Loki in the future, it’s important to remember that his redemption arc has come a full circle. From a rather bratty and selfish god at the dawn of the MCU who’s obsessed with his “glorious purpose”, Loki has been given a second chance by his brother Thor and Mobius, and this time, he learns to do the right thing. 

Now, the God of Mischief has learned to care for his friends and allies, and is even willing to sacrifice himself for them. Therefore, it’s safe to say that Loki’s character development arc has beautifully concluded, and there is little purpose now to include him in any other MCU movies. Besides, trying to drag his time will only tarnish the ultimate sacrifice he has made in Loki Season 2.

#4. Is It Truly The End Of The Road For Loki?

Is It Truly The End Of The Road For Loki? Source: Marvel

However, there are still ways for the Trickster to return to the MCU, technically speaking. His sacrifice has ensured a future for all the timelines in the Multiverse, which means Loki still has a role to play whenever there is an anomaly in his Yggdrasil time tree. Or maybe, he will have a smaller supporting role in a future Avengers movie, for example, if the Avengers visit the TVA at some point.

Besides, despite what Hiddleston said, Loki’s executive producer Kevin Wright had this to say: “Season 2 was about closing that book, but there are many other books on the shelf for this character, and for this world.”

Loki Season 3 Source: Marvel

This implies that the God of Stories’ journey in the MCU might not be over just yet, and a possible Loki Season 3 could come in the near future. However, the “books” that Wright mentioned could also be a metaphor for different Loki variants. Earth-616 Loki’s adventure might be over, but it may open up a path for the book of Sylvie, another Loki variant, as an anti-hero character in the MCU.

Do you think that Loki’s adventure with the MCU is truly over after Season 2? Will Tom Hiddleston reprise the role in the future, or will Sylvie take on the mantle of the God of Mischief? Don’t hesitate to share your theory in the comments.