Weekly Horoscope November 26 - December 2, 2023: Sagittarius Mars Gaining Speed, Catching Up With Sun & Mercury

Daniel Figaro

Hold onto your Horoscope hats, stargazers! From Nov 26 to Dec 2, 2023, the Sun's throwing a zodiac soirée. Virgo's in house party mode (3rd), Sagittarius is the life of the ninth house bash. And oh, the cosmic drama! The Sun's mingling with Mars, Saturn, Neptune - a planetary potluck! Conjunctions, squares, and trines, it's a celestial shindig.

Mercury's trying not to trip over words – classic Mercury. So, fasten your cosmic seatbelts for this zodiac rollercoaster. Destiny's dressed in glitter, and the stars are your VIP pass. Buckle up, buttercups, let’s ride this astro wave! 

(March 21 - April 19):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Aries

Hey, fiery Aries! Brace yourself for a cosmic rollercoaster in the friendship zone. The Sun is throwing a party in your eleventh house, lighting up your social scene like fireworks. But, watch out – Mars is there too, stirring up some drama. Don't let conflicts rain on your parade! Saturn's throwing shade in your social circle, but fear not, Aries diplomat. Handle it with finesse.

Now, here's the plot twist: Neptune's joining the party with a trine. Your creative and empathetic side is the VIP guest, making group projects feel like a dreamy collaboration. Moon's got a subplot too: a square to Venus is testing your relationship mojo. Keep the peace, Aries, compromise is your BFF.

Oh, and the Moon's sending some sextile vibes to Uranus, urging you to spice up your social life. Embrace the unexpected – it might just be the plot twist your friendships need! 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Taurus

Hey, Taurus, get ready to put on your career cap because the cosmic spotlight is beaming on your tenth house! The Sun and Mars are throwing a professional party, giving you the mojo to conquer those career peaks. Just a heads up: Mars might stir up some power play drama, but keep it cool. Saturn's throwing a few challenges your way, but no worries – you've got the patience of a saint.

Now, cue the emotional intelligence soundtrack because the Moon in Cancer is giving your career path an extra boost on the 30th and 1st. Use those feels to make waves in your professional ocean. Sun's still hanging out in your tenth house, urging you to align those goals with your values.

Oh, and the Moon's got a couple of subplots: a trine to Venus is sprinkling charm in your professional life – you'll be the office charmer! But, watch out for a square to Venus on the 30th; financial matters need your keen eye. Stay practical, Taurus, those details matter! 

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Gemini

Hey, Gemini globetrotter! The Sun is throwing a party in your ninth house, lighting up your world with sparks of expansion and adventure. Your intellect is on fire with the Sun's trine to the Moon, making it a prime time for learning and sharing those brilliant ideas. But, hold onto your hat, because the Sun's conjunction with Mars is adding a dash of drama – watch out for conflicts on the horizon. Saturn's throwing a curveball in your travel or education plans, but fear not, Gemini chameleon, adaptability is your superpower.

Now, let's talk moonlit subplots: a trine to Venus on the 28th is turning your social interactions into a harmony fest. Embrace the diversity! But, on the 30th, the Moon squares off with Neptune, so keep your educational pursuits clear of confusion. Focus on the goals, Gemini, and avoid that cosmic fog. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Cancer

Hey, Cancer, get ready for a cosmic deep dive into the world of shared resources and transformation because the Sun has set up shop in your eighth house. But beware, the Sun's showdown with the Moon might turn your financial matters into an emotional rollercoaster. Buckle up!

Now, here's where it gets spicy: the Sun's teamed up with Mars, giving you the power to take control of those shared resources. But, heads up, conflicts might be lurking. Saturn's also throwing its weight around, reminding you to make responsible financial decisions and set those relationship boundaries.

And in the moonlit side stories: a lunar opposition to Mercury on the 29th could stir up communication hiccups in your financial talks. Keep it crystal clear, Cancer! But fear not, because on the 30th, a trine to Venus is spreading some love vibes in your intimate connections. Focus on those heartstrings, and let the positive energy flow! 

Leo (July 23 - August 22):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Leo

Hey, Leo, the cosmic spotlight is on your seventh house of partnerships, and you're ready to dazzle in the dance of relationships! The Sun's trine to Neptune is turning you into a romantic superhero, fostering harmony with every move. But hold on tight, because the Sun's tag-teaming with Mars, injecting passion into your partnerships. Just a heads-up: conflicts might want a front-row seat, so keep that mane tamed.

Now, cue the dramatic music for Saturn's entrance – it's throwing challenges into the relationship ring. But fear not, Leo diplomat, patience and compromise are your secret weapons.

And in the moonlit drama: on the 2nd, the Moon squares off with Venus, testing those relationship waters. Keep your cool, Leo! But wait, there's a trine to Mars on the same day, turning conflicts into productive passion. Channel that energy wisely, and let the positive vibes roar in your relationships! 

Virgo (August 23 - September 22):

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Virgo

Hey there, Virgo maestro of the daily grind! The cosmic stage is set in your sixth house, and the Sun's lighting up the scene with a spotlight on health and routines. But, heads up, because the Sun's high-fiving with Mars, bringing a surge of energy to your day-to-day activities. Just remember, easy on the overexertion – no need for superhero feats every day!

Now, cue Saturn's entrance, throwing challenges into your work arena. Fear not, Virgo workhorse, stay focused on those goals, and your diligence will be the star of the show. But wait, there's a moonlit subplot: a trine to the Moon is boosting your emotional well-being, becoming the backstage support for your overall health.

And in the moonlit encore on the 30th, the Moon's sextile to Jupiter is sprinkling positivity in your routines. Embrace that proactive vibe! Plus, a trine to Saturn is ensuring emotional balance supports your work grind. Practical solutions and responsible decision-making – that's your Virgo jam! 

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Libra

Hey, Libra, it's a cosmic fiesta in your fifth house of creativity and self-expression! The Sun's front and center, shining a spotlight on your artistic endeavors. But watch out, because Mars is crashing the party, adding a dash of impulsiveness. Creative sparks are great, just keep the spontaneity in check!

Now, here's the plot twist: Saturn's throwing challenges into your romantic or kid-filled adventures. Patience and stellar communication skills, Libra maestro, are your go-to tools. But fear not, because a trine to Neptune is boosting your artistic and intuitive powers. It's like having a cosmic muse by your side.

And in the moonlit tales: on the 1st, the Moon squares off with Venus, testing those relationship waters. Keep calm, Libra! But on the 2nd, a trine to Neptune is turning up the creative and imaginative juices. Embrace the artsy vibes and let those intuitive insights flow! 

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Scorpio
Hey Scorpio, it's home sweet home in your fourth house. The Sun and Mars are tag-teaming, giving you the power to rule the roost, but brace for potential family feuds. Saturn's a guest too, reminding you to make responsible choices for domestic bliss.

In the moonlit scenes, on the 26th and 27th, the Moon in Taurus takes a health detour. Adjust your routines wisely. The Full Moon on the 28th and 29th spotlights relationships – family steals the show with the Sun in the fourth.

Moonlit extras: the 29th brings love vibes, focus on connections. But on the 2nd, watch family excesses; keep it balanced, Scorpio maestro!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Sagittarius

Hey, Sagittarius wordsmith! The cosmic stage is set in your third house, putting the spotlight on communication and learning. With the Sun and Mars doing a cosmic tango, you've got the drive to assert yourself—just watch out for potential clashes. Bonus: the Sun's trine to Neptune is turning your communication game into an art form.

Now, the Moon's taking a detour to your seventh house on the 30th and 1st, making relationships the star of the show. Strengthen those bonds through emotional connection and open dialogue. And with the Sun in your third house, let your broad understanding of the world shape your words.

In the moonlit extras: on the 26th, a conjunction with Jupiter brings expansive vibes—use it to broaden your horizons. But hold on tight, because a Moon-Uranus conjunction might throw unexpected curveballs your way on the same day. Embrace the chaos for personal growth!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Capricorn
Hey, Capricorn guardian of the financial fortress! The cosmic spotlight is on your second house of values and possessions, but watch out for a financial showdown as the Sun squares off with Saturn. Stay disciplined, stay focused – long-term goals are your North Star.

Now, the Sun's conjuring up energy with Mars, making you a financial warrior. But hey, no impulsive actions on this battlefield. Your practical nature is your greatest weapon; use it to find stable solutions in the financial labyrinth.

And in the moonlit side stories: on the 27th, the Moon's in a tug-of-war with Mars – avoid conflicts in your routines. Channel that energy into productivity. But wait, the Moon's squaring off with Saturn too, bringing work challenges. Patience and structure, Capricorn maestro, are your keys to conquering the professional realm.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Aquarius

Hey, Aquarius trailblazer! The cosmic spotlight is on you with the Sun in your first house, celebrating your individuality. The Sun's trine to the Moon is your emotional cheerleader, bringing balance and intuition to your personal expression. Cue the cosmic confetti!

Now, the Sun's joined forces with Mars, turning you into a powerhouse of confidence and assertiveness. It's go-time for those personal goals! But, hold on – Saturn's throwing some relationship hurdles. Patience and understanding, Aquarius diplomat, are your secret weapons.

In the moonlit side stories on the 29th, the Moon's in a tango with Mercury, stirring up communication challenges. Take a moment to listen and express yourself clearly. But fear not, because a trine to Saturn on the same day is your stability anchor. Lean on those reliable supporters during communication storms.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Weekly Horoscope 16 November - 2 December 2023: Pisces

Hey there, dreamy Pisces! The cosmic curtains are drawn in your twelfth house, urging reflection and introspection. Brace for emotional waves as the Sun opposes the Moon. Seek solace in solitude and spiritual practices to ride those cosmic tides.

But hold on, because the Sun's joined forces with Mars, daring you to confront inner conflicts with boldness. A square to Saturn reminds you: discipline is your compass on this journey of personal growth. Patience, Pisces, is your superpower.

Now, for the moonlit tales: on the 28th, the Moon trines Venus, bringing harmonious vibes to your personal life. Enjoy those positive connections! But beware, on the 29th, the Moon squares Neptune, potentially clouding your relationships with illusions. Keep it real, Pisces, and navigate through the fog with clarity.