December 2023 Horoscope: Retrograde, Retrograde and More Retrograde.

Daniel Figaro

Get ready to surf the celestial waves in December 2023! The Sun is throwing on its Capricorn shades for the Winter Solstice – time to get serious, but let's keep it sassy, Capricorns. Hold onto your hats because Jupiter is doing the retrograde boogie until December 31, urging us to hit pause on life's grand plans. Mercury is also doing the retrograde tango, making actions a bit wonky and convos a tad wild. And guess what? Uranus is in on the action, doing its funky retrograde dance all month, adding an extra sprinkle of unpredictability. Grab your cosmic popcorn, and let's dive into the astro-drama of December! 

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19):

December 2023 Horoscope: Aries
Hold on tight, Aries! The stars are throwing a cosmic bash, and you're the guest of honor. With Mars, your cosmic partner in crime, flexing its muscles in your action zone, get ready to conquer like a boss. This week, your go-getter attitude is the universe's favorite show, so grab the spotlight and let the cosmic confetti fall. Slay, Aries, slay!

This month, the New Moon on December 12 adds fresh energy to your social scene. It's the perfect time to launch new collaborations or strengthen existing bonds. As the Moon enters Virgo on December 31, focus on refining your goals for the upcoming year, paying attention to the details that will turn your dreams into reality. Get ready to rock the cosmos, Aries!

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20):

December 2023 Horoscope: Taurus
Hey, Taurus! Time to soak in the cosmic spa vibes as Venus, your planetary BFF, chills in your relaxation zone. Imagine sipping a cosmic smoothie while the universe fans you—it's your time to unwind. The Full Moon on December 27 spotlights your career, bringing recognition and emotional fulfillment. Bask in the cosmic spotlight, Taurus, and let your achievements shine.
As Mercury enters Capricorn on December 1, your focus sharpens on career and long-term goals. The sextile between Mercury and Saturn on December 21 emphasizes the importance of clear communication in professional matters. However, be cautious around December 27 as Mercury squares Neptune—clarify details to avoid cosmic misfires. So, Taurus, dust off your crown and get ready for a month of cosmic relaxation and professional triumphs!

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20):

December 2023 Horoscope: Gemini
Hello, Gemini! As the Sun struts into Capricorn, get ready to unleash your inner brainiac. The Sun's trine with Saturn on December 24 transforms you into a communication maestro. But, watch out for December 17; it's a cosmic game of telephone. Double-check those details, or you might end up sending smoke signals instead of texts. Embrace the cosmic challenge, Gemini, and keep that wit sharp!
This month, the New Moon on December 12 urges you to delve into shared resources and financial planning. Collaborate with others to achieve mutual goals. As the Moon enters Pisces on December 17, channel your energy into innovative and collaborative projects, inspiring those around you. It's a month of cosmic brainpower and financial wizardry, Gemini!

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22):

December 2023 Horoscope: Cancer
Cancer, with the Sun highlighting your one-on-one connections, get ready for some emotional fireworks. The Full Moon on December 27 is your time to shine, basking in personal achievements. As the Moon enters Gemini on December 24, make sure your feelings are expressed as clearly as a love note written in neon lights. The cosmic stage is set, Cancer, and your spotlight awaits!
With Mercury entering Capricorn on December 1, your attention shifts towards relationships and partnerships. The trine between Mercury and Lilith on December 15 encourages open and honest communication in your personal connections. On December 28, the conjunction between Mercury and Mars sparks passion and assertiveness, empowering you to express your desires. Get ready for a cosmic love story, Cancer, filled with emotional highs and clear communication!

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22):

December 2023 Horoscope: Leo
Leo, as the Sun illuminates Capricorn, focus on health and daily routines. The Sun's square with Neptune on December 17 warns against neglecting self-care amidst your busy schedule. December 27 brings a boost of confidence and opportunities for career growth with the Sun trining Jupiter. On December 14, the Sun's trine with the Node emphasizes cooperation in your workplace. It's a month of cosmic wellness and professional triumphs, Leo, so grab your cape and get ready to dazzle!
This month, the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 inspires you to delve into shared resources and financial planning. Collaborate with others to achieve mutual goals. As the Moon enters Leo on December 29, embrace a period of self-reflection and prioritize self-care to recharge your energy. Leo, it's a cosmic balancing act—maintain that radiant health while conquering your professional realm!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22):

December 2023 Horoscope: Virgo
With the Sun in Capricorn, Virgo, your creative pursuits take center stage. The Sun's trine with Lilith on December 31 encourages you to express your unique talents fearlessly. December 22 marks a period of heightened creativity and self-expression as the Sun conjuncts Mercury. Stay mindful of your financial decisions around December 24, with the Sun sextile Saturn promoting responsible choices. Virgo, it's a cosmic masterpiece in the making—channel that creativity and financial wisdom!
Virgo, the Full Moon in Cancer on December 27 highlights your social connections and community involvement. It's a great time to nurture meaningful friendships. As the Moon enters Scorpio on December 9, dive into deep introspection, allowing yourself to heal and release any emotional baggage. It's a month of cosmic connections and emotional depth, Virgo, so let those creative and introspective vibes flow!

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22):

December 2023 Horoscope: Libra
Libra, get ready to redecorate your cosmic castle as the Sun sets the stage in Capricorn. Home and family take the spotlight, and with the Sun's trine with Chiron on December 8, emotional healing within your kinship is in the cosmic blueprints. On December 14, as the Sun trines the Node, cherish the bonds that make your home feel like a love-filled masterpiece. Just be on guard around December 17; there's a cosmic debate about boundaries in your domestic haven.
This month, the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 brings a focus on your one-on-one relationships. It's an ideal time to strengthen your connections with others. As the Moon enters Aquarius on December 15, channel your energy into innovative and collaborative projects, inspiring those around you. Libra, the cosmic stage is set for homey healing and relationship revolutions!

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21):

December 2023 Horoscope: Scorpio
Buckle up, Scorpio, as the cosmic rollercoaster takes you on a ride through the communication carnival. With the Sun entering Capricorn, your focus turns to effective communication. On December 27, seize opportunities for personal growth as the Sun trines Jupiter. December 22 brings enhanced intuition and insight, especially in professional matters, with the Sun conjuncting Mercury. Just remember, Scorpio, clarity is your cosmic superpower, so don't let the cosmic fog mess with your mojo.
Scorpio, the Full Moon in Cancer on December 27 shines a light on your career and public image. Take pride in your achievements and consider long-term goals. As the Moon enters Taurus on December 22, prioritize stability and financial security in your personal and professional life. It's a cosmic voyage of self-expression and professional prowess, Scorpio, so ride those waves with power and purpose!

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21):

December 2023 Horoscope: Sagittarius
Sagittarius, the cosmic spotlight is on your financial runway as the Sun enters Capricorn. On December 22, the Sun's conjunction with Mercury enhances your financial acumen. The Sun's trine with Chiron on December 8 brings opportunities for self-discovery and healing. Brace yourself for a financial evaluation on December 17; it's like a cosmic audit to refine your goals. But worry not, Sagittarius, the cosmic vault is ready for your strategic moves.
The New Moon in your sign on December 12 marks a powerful time for personal growth and setting new intentions. Embrace opportunities for self-discovery. As the Moon enters Capricorn on December 13, focus on practical steps to turn your dreams into reality. Sagittarius, it's your cosmic financial bootcamp—get ready to level up those money-managing skills!

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19):

December 2023 Horoscope: Capricorn
Happy Birthday, Capricorn! As the Sun enters your sign, embrace the energy of renewal and self-expression. On December 14, the Sun's trine with the Node emphasizes the importance of your connections in achieving personal goals. December 22, with the Sun conjuncting Mercury, marks a period of enhanced communication and self-expression. The Sun's trine with Jupiter on December 27 brings optimism and abundance your way. Capricorn, the cosmic stage is set, and you're the star—so shine on!
Capricorn, the Full Moon in Cancer on December 27 highlights your adventurous spirit and desire for learning. Consider pursuing new educational or travel opportunities. As the Moon enters Pisces on December 17, indulge in moments of quiet reflection and connect with your spiritual side. Capricorn, it's your cosmic birthday bash—celebrate your achievements, set bold goals, and let the universe applaud your brilliance!

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18):

December 2023 Horoscope: Aquarius
Aquarius, with the Sun in Capricorn, your attention turns inward. The Sun's trine with Lilith on December 31 encourages you to embrace your unique qualities. On December 22, the Sun's conjunction with Mercury enhances introspection and self-awareness. Be mindful of your energy levels and well-being around December 24, as the Sun sextiles Saturn, promoting a balanced approach to self-care. Aquarius, it's a cosmic journey within—time to recharge those innovative batteries and let your uniqueness sparkle!
The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 encourages you to delve into matters of intimacy and shared resources. Connect with your emotional side and strengthen your bonds with others. As the Moon enters Aries on December 19, take the initiative in your relationships and express your desires openly. Aquarius, it's your cosmic recharge—dive into the depths of your emotions, connect with loved ones, and let your inner light shine!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20):

December 2023 Horoscope: Pisces
As the Sun enters Capricorn, Pisces, your social connections come into focus. On December 27, the Sun's trine with Jupiter brings opportunities for networking and collaboration. The Sun's square with Neptune on December 17 emphasizes the importance of clarity in your conversations. December 8, with the Sun's trine with Chiron, offers healing through meaningful connections with friends or community involvement. Pisces, it's a cosmic mingle—your social charm and healing vibes are the life of the cosmic party!
The Full Moon in Cancer on December 27 shines a light on your partnerships, bringing emotional depth and connection. Use this time to strengthen your bonds with loved ones. As the Moon enters Virgo on December 31, focus on practical details and organization in your daily routines, ensuring a smooth start to the new year. Pisces, it's your cosmic social soiree—connect, heal, and let the universe celebrate your compassionate spirit!