The Crime Mag Jeffrey Dahmer Polaroid Originals Are Chilling

Michelle Hall

Searching for the Crime Mag Jeffrey Dahmer Polaroid Originals? Here we go! Pictures of Jeffrey Dahmer's refrigerator, which contained stored human body parts and horrifying images of his victims, have been making their way into the internet as the documentary about him on Netflix continues to gain traction online.

A.P. News reports that the serial murderer responsible for the deaths of 17 men and boys had three human heads stored in the refrigerator of his filthy apartment, which was plagued with flies. Furthermore, according to some accounts, human hearts were discovered in his refrigerator.

#1. The Crime Mag Jeffrey Dahmer Polaroid Originals Are Chilling

The Crime Mag Jeffrey Dahmer Polaroid Originals Source: Getty Images

A picture of the refrigerator that belonged to Jeffrey Dahmer is making the rounds on various social media platforms. An image of Dahmer's refrigerator recently surfaced online and has been making the rounds on the internet since its initial appearance. It appears from a post on Reddit, which can be viewed by clicking on this link, that the body parts were wrapped in a cloth and placed in the refrigerator to be kept cold.

According to reports, Jeffrey Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, took great pleasure in conducting experiments on the bodies of his victims while they were still alive. He would drill holes in their skulls and pump hydrochloric acid into their brains. This was a common practice for him.


The A.P. News reported that law enforcement officials discovered 11 skulls strewn throughout Dahmer's file cabinet, refrigerator, freezer, and closet. The bedroom also contained the torsos of three people who were missing their heads. According to a report in The Independent, the refrigerator contained body parts for Dahmer to ingest. Detective Patrick Kennedy described finding a "bloodless, human head" in Dahmer's refrigerator during an interview with Rover's Morning Glory. He said:

"When I looked into the refrigerator, it was clean and empty except for an open box of Arm & Hammer soda in the back and this box in the middle containing this freshly severed, bloodless human head. "When I looked into the refrigerator, it was clean and empty except for an open box of Arm & Hammer soda in the back."
He went on to elaborate by saying:

"When I saw it, I can state that I had been a police officer for many years and seen some horrifying things. It was a black male with his eyes and lips wide with a look that was almost one of joy or astonishment.

#12. How Jeffrey Dahmer Hide The Polaroid

The Crime Mag Jeffrey Dahmer Polaroid Originals
Even though Jeffrey Dahmer's neighbors constantly complained about a putrid odor in their neighborhood, the serial killer charmed his way out of the issue by claiming that his refrigerator was faulty, which caused the meat he had stored to rot. This allowed him to get away with his crime. Officer Rolf Mueller of the police department found the three severed skulls in the refrigerator. During an interview, Mueller responded as follows:

"Just when you think you've seen everything that can happen out here, something like this takes place." Graphic photographs of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims have been in True Crime Magazine. In July of 1991, Police Officer Mueller came across over 80 polaroids depicting deceased people that had been dismembered and left naked.

In a recent issue of True Crime Magazine, there was an article that featured several disturbing photographs of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. The link to them is provided here for anyone interested. According to the website, Dahmer put his victims in specific positions so that he could murder them in a "sexually significant" way if he decided to do so. They believed that Dahmer photographed the men to satiate his cruel sexual cravings and necrophilia.

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