15 Celebs Who Are Chronic Oversharers
First things first, we have to make it clear that calling a celebrity a chronic overshare might sound like we’re throwing shade at them. Still, we are interested in celebrity gossip and drama, and feuds and rumors, so we love the oversharer. More interestingly, the sources of gossip and drama come from our celebrities!
Sometimes, the oversharers might regret being so frank. And yes, sometimes a little bit of poop talk will go a long way. Below, we've compiled 14 living celebs (and one who has sadly passed away) who are our lead finalists for best celebrity in the habitual oversharing competition. Let's scroll down and check which celebrities are chronic sharers.
Sometimes, the oversharers might regret being so frank. And yes, sometimes a little bit of poop talk will go a long way. Below, we've compiled 14 living celebs (and one who has sadly passed away) who are our lead finalists for best celebrity in the habitual oversharing competition. Let's scroll down and check which celebrities are chronic sharers.
#1 Miley Cyrus
Source: Mileycyrus/ Instagram
#2 Gwyneth Paltrow
Source: Gwynethpaltrow/ Instagram
#3 Chrissy Teigen
Source: Chrissyteigen/ Instagram
#4 Denise Richards
Source: Deniserichards/ Instagram
#5 Angelina Jolie
Source: Angelinajolie/ Instagram
#6 Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown
Source: Today
#7 Kelly Clarkson
Source: Kellyclarkson/ Instagram
#8 Cardi B
Source: Cardiallaccess/ Instagram
#9 Seth Rogen
Source: Sethrogen/ Instagram
#10 Kayne West
Source: Getty Images
#11 Taylor Swift
Source: Taylorswift/ Instagram
#12 Adele
Source: Adele/ Instagram
#13 Charlie Sheen
Source: Charliesheen/ Instagram
#14 Jada Pinkett Smith
Source: Jadapinkettsmith/ Instagram
#15 Jessica Simpson
Source: Jessicasimpson/ Instagram
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