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  1. #1, What Is The Cutest Rat? 7 Types of Pet Rat Breeds

What Is The Cutest Rat? 7 Most Beloved Types of Pet Rat Breeds

What is the cutest rat? This list will give you the list of the cutest rats! Keeping a rat as a pet is a great idea. Dogs come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities and are known for their loyalty and trainability. All domestic rats are descended from Rattus Norvegicus, the brown rat, and share characteristics such as a blunt snout, small eyes and ears, and a tail the same length as the body.
However, certain varieties, such as hairless or even earless rats, feature a genetic variation. There are just seven recognized rat varieties by the American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association, and these are the ones that are used as standards. Wondering, are rats cuddly?

#1, What Is The Cutest Rat? 7 Types of Pet Rat Breeds

1. Standard Rat

What is the cutest rat?Source: Getty Images

Regarding pet rats, the Standard breed comes as close as possible to a wild brown rat. The size and placement of its ears are typical for humans. It has a tail that's about as long as the rest of its body, and it eats the same things that any other rat would. These animals can develop into devoted companions with the right kind of care and attention from their owners. You may find the list of these 10000-year-ago animals interesting.

2. Rex Rat - What Is The Cutest Rat?

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Lots of different kinds of animals have their own unique Rex variations. Like other Rex mammals, the fur of a Rex Rat is wavy or curly. Their curly whiskers and lashes give them a wooly appearance and feel, earning them the moniker "sheep-rats." Eventually, bald spots may appear on an older Rex due to the natural thinning of their fur. Double Rex Rats, which possess two copies of the rex gene and extremely curly fur, may also come up in conversation. There's a chance that their brow and whisker hairs will become a problem.

3. Manx Rat

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The lack of a tail on the Manx Rat is its most distinguishing trait, earning it the nickname "the tailless cat." Some have a partial tail, but that's all they have. Because the rat's tail is essential for balance and grooming, this pet rat may need special attention. Some kennel clubs and organizations refuse to acknowledge tailless varieties. Don't miss these incredible hybrid animals!

4. Sphynx Rat - What Is The Cutest Rat?

What is the cutest rat?Source: Getty Images

Another type of rat whose popular name comes from that animal's main distinguishing characteristic is the Sphynx. In this situation, the rat lacks hair due to selective breeding. A hairless rat is more susceptible to illness. Thus extra heat should be provided. For this reason, keeping a Sphynx rat as a pet is discouraged; doing so would only increase the population of this particular strain of rat.

5. Satin Rat

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Because of its long, glossy fur, the Satin Coat Rat lives up to its name. When young, a Satin may look similar to other breeds of dog; the simplest way to tell them apart is by their whiskers. To a curved tip, the Satin Coat Rat's whiskers are otherwise straight.

6. Dumbo Rat

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The Dumbo Rat's oversized, lopsided ears are a distinguishing feature from the Standard Rat's more apical ears. The entire head appears to be enlarged. Despite claims from the breed's fans that their pets live longer and are nicer than the average, scientific research has not verified these claims. The level of human companionship they experience affects how friendly they become, but their lifetime is comparable to that of a regular rat.

7. Bristle Coat Rat

What is the cutest rat?Source: Getty Images

The bristle-coated rat is so named because of its rough, wire-brush-like fur. The rat's coat may appear curly like a rex's while it is young, but it will become more erect as it matures. Any color or pattern is possible on a Bristle Coat, and its whiskers, like those of a Satin Coat Rat, are straight but culminate in a curl.
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