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  1. Funny Road Signs That Actually Exist

Funny Road Signs That Only Exist In Australia

In Australia, you'll be surprised to see a myriad of weird and funny road signs that actually exist can't find anywhere else.
Road signs are essential to the regulation of traffic. It's not hard to imagine how it would be without road signs, total chaos. So, to prevent that from happening, road signs are placed almost everywhere to guide traffic participants. And they must follow some sort of rules or something like that, right? Well, not quite. Of course, most of the time, these road signs must inform drivers of the laws and indicate legal requirements, but not all of the time.

Funny Road Signs That Actually Exist

In Australia, you'll be surprised to see a myriad of weird and funny road signs that you probably can't find anywhere else. Like, have you ever seen a sign that says: please don't run over pythons? Or another sign that says: don't fart, extreme fire hazard. If there're actually some laws or anything that these signs are speaking for, I'd be curious to know. And about you? If you feel curious, scroll down and check out these funny road signs spotted in Australia in the list below.

#1 Consider yourself failed in spelling

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: unknown

#2 That's your marching orders, d*ckheads

Source: unknown

#3 Let's tip our hat to the captain of the Baddaginnie Fire Brigade

Source: unknown

#4 Kiss gently...

Source: unknown

#5 McDonald's classic

Source: unknown

#6 Well, that's just weird

Source: unknown

#7 Yoyo?

Source: unknown

#8 What a performance

Source: unknown

#9 Fair warning for a Tasmanian Devil enclosure

Source: unknown

#10 Edgy

Source: unknown

#11 This South Australian road campaign is an absolute winner

Source: unknown

#12 Beware

Source: TravellerAU

#13 They like sunbathing at the middle of the road

Source: TheAussieStore

#14 Oh, Australia

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: Jessisawanderer

#15 This is quite possibly the coolest road sign I've ever seen (from Australia)

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: keithcavey

#16 Australian road signs at their absolute finest. "WRONG WAY GO BACK" immediately

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: hattyruff

#17 Penguins first

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: CircaJoyLynn

#18 Until an underpass was built for the turtles, this was the road sign

Funny Road Signs That Actually ExistSource: hatton_kathy

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