
Dive Into The 25 Best Disney Tattoos In The World

Disney with a series of masterpieces has created a firm position for itself in the hearts of millions of fans. And it's no exaggeration to say that "once a fan, always a fan," as when Disney fandoms grow up, they would love to keep those beautiful memories of classic films going along with their childhood forever. And having a mind-blowing tattoo inspired by their beloved movie is one of the super cool ways!
Tattoos' meanings can vary depending on their owner's perspective. But if you are one of the hardcore fans of Disney, the tattoo collection below will be an excellent suggestion for you. Of course, you can find more Disney tattoo ideas on the Internet, or even create your own! At the very least, we believe the 15 Disney tattoos below will inspire you! Let’s admire how realistic and charming they are!

#1 Elsa from "Frozen"

disney tattoos, Elsa from "Frozen"Source: sharlottesantattoo

One of Disney's "Queens" who built a magnificent masterpiece of snow-crystal castles is and will always be an inspiration for future generations. Is there anyone better than Elsa as the tattoo choice for girls who prefer wisdom over affection?

#2 The Lion King

disney tattoos, The Lion KingSource: sharlottesantattoo

Hakuna Matata, which means living a worry-free life. Who said Disney was just for children when all it offers are great life philosophies for adults? With this tattoo, you may overcome any difficult in life.

#3 Stitch

disney tattoos, StitchSource: sharlottesantattoo

Is there a more fabulous tattoo to represent the notion of love and family than Stitch?

#4 Isabella from "Encanto"

disney tattoos, Isabella from "Encanto"Source: sharlottesantattoo

Isabela has perfect beauty and the ability to make flowers grow. A beautiful tattoo of her is a great idea for those who love flowers.

#5 Dolores from "Encanto"

disney tattoos, Dolores from "Encanto"Source: sharlottesantattoo

Dolores Madrigal has a strong beauty with enhanced hearing power. If you love her, this tattoo is perfect for you.

#6 Pinnochio

disney tattoos, PinnochioSource: sharlottesantattoo

This tattoo is so detailed and beautiful. What a skilled artist!

#7 Finding Nemo

disney tattoos, Finding NemoSource: punchout85

Would you like to ink a cute little turtle like this on your ankle?

#8 Bambi

disney tattoos, BambiSource: punchout85

What a happy and lovely tattoo! This is one of the most touching scenes of the Disney movie, and I really admire this talented artist to come up with this amazing tattoo!

#9 Mulan

disney tattoos, MulanSource: beyourself_lp

Mulan is one of the strong Disney princesses who went on to fight a war instead of waiting for a prince to save her. So this is a great tattoo for a braved girl (or boy)!

#10 The Genie

disney tattoos, The GenieSource: iey.tatts

Well, in those days we wanted a magic lamp so we could get three wishes from a witty genie. Although we may not be able to find such a lamp in the real world, we can still hope for it. So, let's get a genie tattoo until then.

#11 The Aristocats

disney tattoos, The AristocatsSource: kozo_tattoo

This tattoo is too cute for cat lovers like me! I also want to tattoo it on my arm.

#12 Princess Merida from "Brave"

disney tattoos, Princess Merida from "Brave"Source: dehtattoo

If you are feeling weak, the tattoo of brave princess Merida will inspire you.

#13 Bambi

disney tattoos, Princess Merida from "Brave"Source: bartoszsapula_tattoo

I love Bambi. He's a cute but strong and independent baby deer! I want to have this beautiful tattoo.

#14 Simba and Nana

disney tattoos, Simba and NanaSource: bartoszsapula_tattoo

Even though it's a tattoo, Simba and Nana look so happy and sweet, don't they? This artist is so talented!

#15 Hercules

disney tattoos, HerculesSource: felipekotatattoo

This Hercules tattoo is perfect for those who like simplicity!

#16 Buzz Lightyear

disney tattoos, Buzz LightyearSource: ikostattoo

Absolutely amazing! Buzz Lightyear is my favorite character. And from the color to the design of the tattoo, it's all perfect.

#17 Winnie the Pooh

disney tattoos, Winnie the PoohSource: mapache_sho

Winnie the Pooh is the only Disney character that teaches us that life isn't just about competition, it's about enjoying nature, stars, and honey. So why not choose to wear Pooh for a cool aesthetic?

#18 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

disney tattoos, Snow White and the Seven DwarfsSource: bethanyriverstattoos

Would you like a cool Snow White and poison apple tattoo on your arm?

#19 Beauty and the Beast

disney tattoos, Beauty and the BeastSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

The tattoo of Belle with the rose that represents the "Beauty and The Beast" story is absolutely a great idea for beauty lovers!

#20 Cruella de Vil

disney tattoos, Cruella de VilSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

Disney villains are the definition of sassy rather than evil. And Cruella de Vil is the most evil. Not only is she known for her maddening cruelty, but she is also one of the most powerful women in the world, which is why she is still admired. Is there a better way to honor that woman than by inking an amazing tattoo of her?

#21 Mickey Mouse

disney tattoosSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

When it comes to Disney tattoos, it wouldn't be strange if we didn't talk about the Disney logo - Mickey mouse. The Mickey tattoo showing your love with a sweet wink is adorable, but it also radiates a lively, charismatic aura.

#22 Tarzan

disney tattoos, TarzanSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

A lovely tattoo of baby Tarzan will make your day!

#23 Ariel

disney tattoos, ArielSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

Ariel has shown us that we can leave anything behind for love, including the world in which we grew up. Not just for love but also for work or passion. This amazing tattoo by Ariel can encourage you to step on your journey toward whatever you desire.

#24 Maleficent

disney tattoosSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

Maleficent is an iconic Disney villain with her evil yet sweet sassiness. Here it is a tattoo of the ‘Queen’ with her great power!

#25 Peter Pan

disney tattoos, Peter PanSource: kevinfurnesstattoo

"To fly, one should stop worrying about the consequences of falling and look forward to the thrill of flying"—just a beautiful quote. What better tattoo to show this similarity than a tattoo of Peter Pan flying across the sky?
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