10+ Movie Characters That We’re Supposed To Sympathize With But Some Viewers Just Can’t
Despite their life situations, we can’t stop wondering, “Did someone think they were funny or adorable?”, “Am I really supposed to sympathize with this kind of person?” No matter how much we love the story, these characters definitely drive us so crazy that we want to turn off the TV. Don’t get us wrong because some flawed characters can be fascinating.
We’ve wandered on Reddit and completed a list of grey characters from popular movies and TV Shows that make you question how some viewers can sympathize with them. Read these articles to see more: 16 Movie Characters Make Viewers Grit Their Teeth in Irritation and 10 Famous Movie Characters That Seem Like Great Role Models but Aren’t.
#1 Carrie Bradshaw From "Sex And The City"
Source: New Line/Kobal/Shutterstock
In addition to being a horrible person she was also a terrible writer. Her “couldn’t help but wonders” are the cringiest writing ever. (castortusk)
#2 Bella Swan From "Twilight"
Source: Pinterest
Bella is dumb,& Edward basically groomed her. (Vast_Preference5216)
#3 Emily From "Emily In Paris"
Emily from Emily in Paris she fucks up and barely suffers the consequences. Sleeping with a friend's partner and still remains friends with both of them openly. Screws up business opportunities, nothing besides a slap on the wrists, and somehow, it's magically resolved. And her whole " I am a dumb American, bon apple tea!! And she dresses like if Harry styles was colour blind. (WaxWalk)
#4 Ted And The Gang From "How I Met Your Mother"
Source: Fandom
Ted and the gang in How I Met Your Mother. They're terrible to a lot of people.
EDIT: Barney literally admits to human trafficking a woman in the Brecket episode and they say he's a good guy 20 seconds later cos he apologised for forgetting a girls name he slept with. And don't get me started on Ted.
(throwExpression8602)#5 Sheldon Cooper From "The Big Bang Theory"
Source: Michael Yarish / WARNER BROS.
#6 Hannah Baker From "13 Reasons Why"
#7 Noah Calhoun From "The Notebook"
Source: Pinterest
#8 Rory Gilmore From "Gilmore Girls"
Source: Everett Collection
In hindsight, it's not a surprise she turned out how she did with everyone powdering her ass from day one of the show. The way she collapsed because one whole person told her she wasn't cut out for the career she wanted was proof of that. In any other show, that would be the point where the protagonist digs deeps to remember why they wanted that dream or realize their talents were better suited for something else. (Shirogayne-at-WF)
#9 Rose Dewitt Bukater From "Titanic"
Source: 20thcenturystudios
Rose is the worst.
We meet her and she's marrying some toolbag for money, and apparently we're supposed to feel sorry for her? Frances Fisher and her poor little rich girl daughter (granddaughter? I dunno...) might have to work at a job? That doesn't make her a heroine, that makes her Anna Nicole Smith with a nicer hat. She can walk away, even in 1912.
Unsurprisingly the guy she's marrying for money is an asshole so she tries to kill herself. She can't even do that right, and nearly drags some random kid from third class down under the ship with her who's only trying to help. Then after there's a misunderstanding about the kid's intentions, she spend 90 seconds letting them arrest him and rough him up before pointing out the obvious.
(garrettj100)#10 Jim Preston From "Passengers"
Source: Columbia Pictures
Out of pure selfishness, the dude decides to ruin the bright future of a girl so that she has no other option than to live with him. She'll never accomplish the great projects she had, she'll never see any of her loved ones, she'll never be able to even talk to another human being, she will live in prison for the rest of her days.
While the movie hints at the fact that he's a selfish asshole. It's largely overbalanced by the idea that a man's gotta do what he's gotta do to pursue [his own] hapiness. In the end, her stockholm syndrom is presented as a happily ever after ending.
(hoaxymore)#11 Scarlet O’Hara From "Gone With The Wind"
Source: Wikipedia
#12 Ross And Rachel From "Friends"
Source: Pinterest
Ross is pretty shitty, particularly during his relationship with Rachel, but imo Rachel is so much worse. Even if we assume Rachel was right in the whole "we were on a break!" debacle, there is no way that justifies her being constantly petty and interfering in Ross' romantic pursuits for years afterwards. Also Rachel is just a way worse friend/person in general, she's constantly selfish, putting her own interests above everyone else's, and totally and repeatedly lacking in awareness of her privilege relative to everyone else. Her entire character growth is about her pursuit of independence, which is great, but she's still the same self-centred twat by the last episode. (Poignant_Porpoise)
#13 Julianne Potter From "My Best Friends Wedding"
#14 Andy Sachs From "Devil Wears Prada"
Source: 20th Century Fox