  Table of content    
  1. What Happened To Jimmy In Shameless?
  2. Reddit Theory #1: Jimmy/Steve Met Fiona Again
  3. Reddit Theory #2: Jimmy/Steve Might Be Working As A Cia Agent
  4. The Counterarguments
  5. Conclusion

These Reddit Theories On The Fate Of Jimmy/Steve In Shameless Are Insane

Whether you're indulging in a binge-watch or revisiting the chaotic world of "Shameless," you're likely well aware of the rollercoaster story arc involving Jimmy/Steve. 

From the jaw-dropping murder on the boat in Season 3 to his unexpected reappearance in Season 4, only to vanish once more in Season 5, fans have been left in suspense, pondering what happened to Jimmy/Steve in Shameless finally?

In response to the intrigue surrounding this character, we've compiled a comprehensive collection of insane but somehow plausible theories made by Redditors. Let's dive in and uncover the possibilities!


What Happened To Jimmy In Shameless?

what happened to steve on shameless Source: Google Images

After being killed off camera in Season 3 by the Brazilian Mob, Jimmy was once seen with another girl at the end of Season 4’s post-credit scene. This surely shocked a lot of fans and even the cast.

In Season 5, Jimmy returns and attempts to reconcile with Fiona, who has moved on with her life. They share moments of passion and regret, but ultimately, Fiona chooses her new husband over Jimmy.

After that, Jimmy went away, and it was the last time we saw Jimmy in Shameless. Does Jimmy come back to Shameless after that? The answer, sadly, is no, though Fiona did mention him again in Seasons 6 and 7.


Reddit Theory #1: Jimmy/Steve Met Fiona Again

Does Jimmy come back in Shameless? One Redditor Might Have The Answer Source: Reddit
Interestingly, an intriguing theory suggests that Jimmy/Steve and Fiona might have rekindled their connection after she left Chicago. This speculation emerged during a Hall of Shame episode when Ian received a mysterious call or text about his former lover Ned (Jimmy's dad) passing away.

The theory posits that someone who had knowledge of Ian's relationship with Ned must have contacted him. Since only Jimmy and the Gallaghers were privy to this information, it raises the possibility that Fiona reached out to Ian. If true, this hints at a potential reunion between Fiona and Jimmy/Steve, leaving fans to speculate about their off-screen adventures.

Reddit Theory #2: Jimmy/Steve Might Be Working As A Cia Agent

what happens to jimmy in shameless Source: Google Images
At first glance, the notion of Jimmy/Steve being a CIA operative might seem far-fetched. However, upon closer examination of the series, certain clues and peculiarities in his character begin to align with this theory. Let's explore the reasons behind this intriguing hypothesis.

Seemingly Harmless Joke:

In Season 1, Jimmy/Steve makes a seemingly harmless joke to Debbie, claiming he is a CIA operative, and everything else is merely a cover. While this might have appeared as a throwaway line at the time, it takes on new significance when considered in the context of the entire series. Was this joke a subtle hint at his true identity?

Calculated Actions:

Several instances throughout the show suggest that Jimmy/Steve possesses a level of calculated precision that goes beyond the typical actions of a civilian. For instance:

    • His attention to detail is evident when he notices the broken dryer at the Gallagher household and promptly purchases a new one.
    • His remarkable memory of his first encounter with Fiona suggests a meticulous mind.
    • He smoothly smuggles Frank into and out of Canada, displaying an uncanny ability to navigate international borders with ease.

    Master of De-escalation:

    Jimmy/Steve's ability to keep a level head in high-stress situations raises questions about his true nature. Notable instances include:
    • Handling his arrest and abuse by Tony with composure and strategic thinking.
    • De-escalating conflicts, such as restraining Fiona's grandmother when she brandishes a gun or managing Monica's suicide attempt.

    Complex Criminal Web:

    Throughout the series, Jimmy/Steve operates within a complex criminal network. He hires multiple individuals for his criminal activities, uses various aliases, and disappears for extended periods in different global locations. Such behaviors are more characteristic of espionage and covert operations than typical criminal activities.

    • His attention to detail is evident when he notices the broken dryer at the Gallagher household and promptly purchases a new one.
    • His remarkable memory of his first encounter with Fiona suggests a meticulous mind.
    • He smoothly smuggles Frank into and out of Canada, displaying an uncanny ability to navigate international borders with ease.

    The Counterarguments

    what happened to steve in shameless? Source: Reddit
    While the theory of Jimmy/Steve as a CIA operative is captivating, it's not without its counterarguments. Some viewers contend that he might have functioned as an informant rather than an operative. Informants often straddle the line between criminal activities and cooperation with law enforcement, as exemplified by real-life figures like Barry Seal and Whitey Bulger.


    As fans of "Shameless" revisit the series, we will keep speculating about what happened to Jimmy in Shameless. Whether he was a CIA operative, informant, or something else entirely, his role adds layers of complexity to the show's narrative.

    The enigma surrounding Jimmy/Steve remains one of the enduring mysteries of "Shameless," making it a series that keeps viewers engaged and eager for more twists and turns.
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