  Table of content    
  1. How Dare They Not Sacrifice Children
  2. They're In A Better Place Now
  3. Windows 11: *Demonic Screeches*
  4. *Facepalms*
  5. They're Gonna Have A Lot Of Stories To Tell Their Children
  6. I Was Just Raised A Good Man
  7. Perhaps
  8. RIP Kiddo
  9. Father About To Turn Into Daddy Real Quick
  10. Every. Time.
  11. Fine By Me, We'd Have A Sword Fight
  12. Ask Your Dad What His Opinion Is On The Anti Christ
  13. Rapidly Approaching Your Location
  14. *Grasps* FR? How Come?
  15. Checkmate Buddy
  16. Truly A Head Of His Time
  17. Now I Wanna See Him Fight Dora The Destroyer
  18. I Hope The View Is Nice
  19. LMFAO
  20. Awesome Life Hack Bro
  21. Toyota Righ Now: *Stonks*

Top Tier Memes Sent To Me From The CEO Of Edgy Humor

Why am I here? Just to suffer? No. Nolan takes no days off. He's always on time to bring you the latest batch of dark, dank, and absolutely top tier memes. Today, we'll be diving into the latest shipment of the internet's most cursed memes. These came with the CEO of Edgy Humor's Seal of Approval, so y'all know they're the kind that will make you question your morals and possibly your sanity. But hey, if you're still with me, then you're probably as twisted as I am.
As per usual, strap on your seatbelts and brace yourself for another trip down the stinky rabbit hole of unadulterated absurdity. Let's see what the internet has in store for us today.

How Dare They Not Sacrifice Children

How Dare They Not Sacrifice Children Source: iFunny

They're In A Better Place Now

They're In A Better Place Now Source: iFunny

Windows 11: *Demonic Screeches*

Windows 11: *Demonic Screeches* Source: iFunny


*Facepalms* Source: iFunny

They're Gonna Have A Lot Of Stories To Tell Their Children

They're Gonna Have A Lot Of Stories To Tell Their Children Source: iFunny

I Was Just Raised A Good Man

I Was Just Raised A Good Man Source: iFunny


Perhaps Source: iFunny

RIP Kiddo

RIP Kiddo Source: iFunny

Father About To Turn Into Daddy Real Quick

Father About To Turn Into Daddy Real Quick Source: iFunny

Every. Time.

Every. Time. Source: iFunny

Fine By Me, We'd Have A Sword Fight

Fine By Me, We'd Have A Sword Fight Source: iFunny

Ask Your Dad What His Opinion Is On The Anti Christ

Ask Your Dad What His Opinion Is On The Anti Christ Source: iFunny

Rapidly Approaching Your Location

Rapidly Approaching Your Location Source: iFunny

*Grasps* FR? How Come?

*Grasps* FR? How Come? Source: iFunny

Checkmate Buddy

Checkmate Buddy Source: iFunny

Truly A Head Of His Time

Truly A Head Of His Time Source: iFunny

Now I Wanna See Him Fight Dora The Destroyer

Now I Wanna See Him Fight Dora The Destroyer Source: iFunny

I Hope The View Is Nice

I Hope The View Is Nice Source: iFunny


LMFAO Source: iFunny

Awesome Life Hack Bro

Awesome Life Hack Bro Source: iFunny

Toyota Righ Now: *Stonks*

Toyota Righ Now: *Stonks* Source: iFunny
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