
Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking Moments That Make You Completely Shocked

Words are out, Survivor 44 Premiere shocking moments are competitive, chaotic and eventually brutal than ever. On March 1st, CBS and Global officially air the premiere for season 44 of the famous reality competition television series, Survivor. This time, 18 players gather altogether to compete in the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. They are divided into three tribes: Ratu, Soka, and Tika.
This season is absolutely intense, said all Internet users after watching the premiere of Survivor 44. Who do the viewers think have the best chance to become the winner? Well, this tweet below says it all.
Now, let's find out all about the shocking moments that have happened in Survivor 44.

#1. Twists & Changes For Survivor 44

Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: Robert Voets/CBS

  • Shot in the Dark: By sacrificing one's vote at Tribal Council, a player gotten in trouble could invoke this advantage for a one-in-six chance to be immune from the vote. If successful, the play acted as if a Hidden Immunity Idol was played.
  • Simplified Final Four Tribal Council: Instead of a traditional vote, the person who won the final four Immunity Challenge got to choose to take one person with them to the Final Three. The remaining two castaways competed in a fire-making challenge to determine who would be eliminated.
  • Reformatted Final Tribal Council: Instead of having each jury member speak individually, an open forum was held to ensure a more insightful and harmonious relationship between the jury and finalists. The discussion was divided into three portions: social, physical, and strategic.

#2. Bruce Was Medically Evacuated In Survivor 44 Premiere

Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: CBS

To the shock of the viewers, Bruce was eliminated from Survivor 44 less than 20 minutes after the premiere began. The reason was heartbreaking: He needed to be medically evacuated.
For the first reward challenge, the players needed to army-crawl underneath several bstacles. Bruce was extremely passionate, the adrenaline was rushing through his body, which may be the reason he rushed to the obstacles in such a fast pace. However, during the challenge, Bruce unintentionally slammed his head into the wooden structures. A lot of blood started running down from his head.
After a few moments, Bruce fell unconscious momentarily on the beach. EMTs ran in. When Bruce regained his consciousness after a few minutes, he thought that everything is finally normal again. Later in the night, his head started hurting like crazy, again. Therefore, he was forced to go home as this was in inevitable choice. He seemed completely heartbroken, and so do the viewers.


#3. Matthew Falling Down In Survivor 44 Premiere

Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: Instagram @mattgrinsteadmayle

At one moment, all we know is that Matthew was trying to climb to the top of a huge and treacherous rock. Next moment, we already saw him falling down fast and hard on the rock. One question was on the minds of all viewers: why would he dare to do that, especially after seeing Bruce being medically evacuated?
As a result, Matthew dislocated his shoulder and severely cut one of his legs. Even after getting treatment, it still hurted so much that Matthew found it difficult to move his body. His whole body was numbed and swollen. He had to use a sling for the rest of the episode. Inevitably, Matthew beated himself up as he realized he had taken a completely unneccessary risk, which only resulted in an injury that almost knocked him out of the game.

#4. Brandon Needed Medical Intervention In Survivor 44 Premiere

Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: Robert Voets/CBS

Unfortunately, the injuries haven't stopped yet. Things went wrong for Brandon in the immunity challenge, which required the players to get a giant chest out of water. It's important to note that the chest was absolutely heavy. Even when five competitors pushed the chest altogether, they still found it hard to complete the challenge.
The heat slowly became a difficult challenge for Brandon. Not long after, Brandon became too dehydrated. Therefore, he had to stay on the sidelines for the remaining of the premiere to cool down. Luckily, he was still able to continue competing.

#5. Maddy Go Home With Just One Vote Against Her

Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: Parade

Surprises after surprises. Survivor 44 premiere shocking moments have yet another one. It seems that this is only the beginning for Survivor 44. It only took one night for Maddy to be evicted from the game. But the more surprising thing is that it only needed one vote, just one vote, to get rid of Maddy.
It was the result of some unintentional calculation. Firstly, Lauren used Bank The Vote, which allowed her to save the vote for the day and use it at a future Tribal Council to vote twice. Secondly, both Matthew and Jaime used Shot in the Dark, exchanging their votes for a chance to make all votes against them ineligible. Matthew succeeded. On the other hand, Jaime failed, but she was lucky to have no one vote for her.
And last but not least, Brandon played his Hidden Immunity Idol, therefore eliminating two votes against them. That left only one vote valid. And that vote belonged to Maddy. Therefore, Maddy had to go home.


Survivor 44 Premiere Shocking MomentsSource: Robert Voets/CBS

Well, what a ride. Survivor 44 Premiere shocking moments is surely a lot, taking the viewers on one hell of a roller-coaster ride. To be honest, no word could completely describe how intense the competition is. The whole episode is filled with bloods, sweats and tears. Many questions remain in the audience's minds. What would happen in the next episodes? Could the competition get any more intense? Who would become the ultimate winner? Let's all wait to find out the answers. is dedicated to providing you with a wide range of creative and interesting news. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to keep updated on the latest news of shocking moments in Survivor 44.
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