20 Stupidly Funny Kids Memes That May Make You Think Twice About Having Children
To most people, having children is the best thing they could ever get in their lives. Sure, children can be annoying, insufferable, and lay waste anywhere they set their tiny feet to, but we love them nonetheless.
That being said, there are several times in our lives when kids are bound to do something extremely unhinged and stupid, making us want to either facepalm as hard as possible, or laugh out loud on the floor. Here are the funniest stupid kids memes that might make you think twice about having kids
#1. When You Realize You’re Not The Favorite Child No More

The subreddit r/KidsAreF*ckingStupid is chock-full of hilarious moments of children doing what they do best: being completely oblivious of their surroundings, or simply making some morally questionable decisions that have us on the floor.
#2. The Cat Is Having The Time Of Its Life, Obviously

#3. Never, EVER, Let Your Kids Near Your Credit Card Or Phone Without Supervising

Good luck getting the money back though, miss.
#4. Wait Until Your Dad Fins Out About This

#5. The Exorcist Sequel Is Looking Great

#6. We All Have Been There Haven’t We?

Wearing the wrong footwear is a common mistake that we all made as a kid. However, it’s always funny to see one like this.
#7. What Happens When Your Nephew Spends Too Much Time On The Internet

#8. Well, At Least She Tried

#9. Great Purpose, Wrong Method

#10. I Can Feel The Pain By Just Looking

One of the most valuable lessons learned as an older sibling: is never to let your younger brother/sister near your electronic devices.
#11. It’s Always Strange To See Children Developing A Passion For Chemical Liquid

#12. The Family That Loves To Hang Out

#13. Well Someone Is An Eminem Fan

#14. Real Parents Would Understand The Struggle To Clean Up The Mess

#15. There’s Nowhere To Run

Modern problems require modern solutions, I guess.
#16. I Swear, Sometimes Kids Have A Memory Of A Goldfish

#17. Oddly, And Unnecessarily Specific

#18. How Is This Even Physically Possible

Protecting your kids from potential dangers like this is never an easy job, since they always know the best way to harm themselves.
#19. That Was A Nasty Fall There
#20. There Goes My Sofa
What would you do if you were in the same position as these parents and adults? Sure, kids can be stupid and annoying at times, but that’s also part of their charm, and sometimes, it makes us fall in love with them even more. Want to see more hilarious kids-related content? Follow more of our articles.
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