New Boss Asks Employee To Explain Their Disabilities To Her! What Happens Next Will Leave You Speechless!
Getting a new boss can be a significant change in any workplace. It's like having a new leader in a team sport. It can be a bit messy at first because the new boss needs to learn how things work. Just like when you start playing a new video game, the boss needs time to figure out the rules and how things are done.
On the r/legaladvice subreddit, one Reddit user (OP) named u/CumGoblin recently shared a perplexing and uncomfortable situation at their workplace. They've been at their job for almost a year and had a supportive and understanding manager who made their work easier because of some physical challenges.
But things changed as employees, including their old manager, left quickly. Now, with only a few employees left, the company is having trouble meeting its shipping goals. A new manager, who lives far away and doesn't know the workplace, is now in charge and closely watching the staff.
The surprise came when this new manager sent the OP an email asking for details about their disabilities, which left them feeling embarrassed and unsure. When they tried to contact HR for help, they found the HR links had disappeared from the employee website. To know how this situation unfolds and what advice the community offers, read the full story.
Source: Reddit
This is how the story begins:

The Redditor was hired almost a year ago by their former manager, who was understanding and supportive of their physical disabilities

Many employees, including the old manager, have left the company, and the stand-in manager started hiring

Stand-in manager unexpectedly asked OP to list and describe their disabilities via email

OP felt uncomfortable sharing their disabilities

HR contact links was missing from the website, so OP hasn't replied

Here's the comments of Reddit users:





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