  Table of content    
  1. The OP asks:
  2. OP shares her cousin's post so we can see exactly what her cousin needs help with and what she's willing to offer in return
  3. All whilst juggling six children!
  4. Wow! Chud is such a beautiful name
  5. Holy triple hell!
  6. Plenty of people would take that job!
  7. Fair enough
  8. Seriously!!
  9. Now that’s socialism!
  10. And of course the nanny will have to provide all car/booster seats
  11. It seems more fair if each of the three families can pay $15-20 per hour
  12. It's always the ones who can afford to pay who refuse to
  13. Wow
  14. Can't wait to hear how the search goes!

Unrealistic Job Offer Fails To Draw Applicants, Employer Claims "No One Wants To Work"

Here we are once again delving into a Reddit post from the r/ChoosingBeggars subreddit, a place where people online share their encounters with cheap "people who are being way too picky when begging for things." Today, we're exploring a post featuring a job offer from someone's cousin.
According to the OP, the cousin insists that "nobody wants to work," but upon reviewing the actual job offer, it becomes clear why there are no takers—the demands are downright unreasonable. The post includes the cousin's listing, detailing tasks like picking up six kids from school, running errands, cleaning, and more. Predictably, the community overwhelmingly agrees that the expectations are outlandish.
If you're curious to see the entire post and read the reactions in the comments section, stick around as we take a closer look and share the highlights.

The OP asks:

Source: Brotox123

OP shares her cousin's post so we can see exactly what her cousin needs help with and what she's willing to offer in return

OP shares her cousin's post Source: Brotox123

All whilst juggling six children!


Wow! Chud is such a beautiful name

Wow! Chud is such a beautiful name Source: Wesselink

Holy triple hell!

Holy triple hell! Source: SoullessCycle

Plenty of people would take that job!

Plenty of people would take that job! Source: Kittypie75

Fair enough

Fair enough Source: Reddit User


Seriously!! Source: 73ld4

Now that’s socialism!

Now that’s socialism! Source: Noirjyre

And of course the nanny will have to provide all car/booster seats

And of course the nanny will have to provide all car/booster seats Source: Rhodin265

It seems more fair if each of the three families can pay $15-20 per hour


It's always the ones who can afford to pay who refuse to

It's always the ones who can afford to pay who refuse to Source: Reddit User



Can't wait to hear how the search goes!

Can't wait to hear how the search goes! Source: EggplantIll4927
What are your thoughts on this eyebrow-raising job offer? Have you ever come across similarly outlandish requests or encountered challenges when seeking employment? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below – we'd love to hear your take on this situation!
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