Patient Son Reaches Limit After Neglectful Dad His Redirects Graduation Money To Stepson's Birthday Party
The Redditor (OP) has a strained relationship with their dad. They shared that they felt left out after their dad had a new family, and he seemed to prioritize his new family. For example, he often canceled plans to spend moments with his youngest stepkid instead of with the OP.
Recently, the dad gave the OP money to pay for their graduation party, and he said that he wanted to host this event with the OP's mom. Despite the dad expressing regret and wanting to mend things, the OP decided to exclude their dad and new family from the graduation celebration.
Was the OP wrong? Scroll down to read the entire story. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below!
Both OP's mom and dad were initially planning to host the graduation party together

The OP and their dad have a strained relationship as he prioritizes his new family

Many times, the OP got disappointed as their dad consistently chose activities with his step kids

When the OP confronted their dad about feeling neglected, he dismissed it as natural jealousy

The OP ultimately decided to cut ties and exclude the dad and his new family from the graduation celebration

The dad consistently prioritizing others and breaking promises is unacceptable

The dad is useless and not a true father

The OP doesn't owe the dad a discussion about his failures as a father

The dad has made it clear who he has chosen

Seek therapy to address the anger

The OP is now free from this burden

Set boundaries due to repeated disrespect and broken promises

The dad has never taken from his new family to prioritize the OP

This is an idea how he can communicate with his dad like an adult


Have you ever felt left out in changing family situations? What do you think about the OP's choice to set boundaries with their dad? Share your thoughts and similar stories below!
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