  Table of content    
  1. Let The Drama Unfold
  2. I Understand How You Feel About Your Dad
  3. Oh Wonder How This Would Play Out
  4. That Must Be Hurt
  5. Don't Know What It Must Feel Like
  6. Cleary Not Your Dad Still Is
  7. Seems Like Ops Family Is Also Ta Here
  8. It's Not ike Op Is A Grown Up
  9. That's Not A True Dads Response
  10. OP Is Too Nice Really
  11. Treating Her Like A What Lol
  12. How Cool People Are Made
  13. OPs Family Is Also Super Unhinged
  14. Seriously He Could Have Done Something Like That
  15. You Don't Have To Care About Other People
  16. Keep Your Head Strong
  17. He Is But Sadly Not For You
  18. Also No One Has Mentioned The New Wife
  19. At Least He Does That One

Teenager Sarcastically Congratulating Her Dad Being A Good Dad With His New Family, Family Thinks She's Immature

OP, a 17-year-old, found herself in a complex emotional situation when her dad, who had been absent from her life since she was 5, showed up at her great-grandma's 100th birthday party with his new family. Observing her dad being actively involved and caring with his new kids, she felt a mix of emotions, given the lack of such engagement during her childhood.
When her dad approached her with a somewhat awkward greeting, OP, expressing her hurt and frustration, sarcastically congratulated him on being a dad to his new children. 
Her dad, in response, acknowledged the past but claimed he couldn't change it. However, OP pointed out that he currently makes no effort to maintain a relationship with her. The family members at the event took issue with OP's reaction, telling her to grow up and be happy for her dad.
Is OP The AH in this case? Let's hear Reddit's verdict.

Let The Drama Unfold


I Understand How You Feel About Your Dad


Oh Wonder How This Would Play Out


That Must Be Hurt


Don't Know What It Must Feel Like


Cleary Not Your Dad Still Is


Seems Like Ops Family Is Also Ta Here


It's Not ike Op Is A Grown Up

It's Not ike Op Is A Grown Up Source: Kathrynlena

That's Not A True Dads Response

That's Not A True Dads Response Source: workerbee77

OP Is Too Nice Really

OP Is Too Nice Really Source: azariasin

Treating Her Like A What Lol

Treating Her Like A What Lol Source: mouse_attack

How Cool People Are Made


OPs Family Is Also Super Unhinged


Seriously He Could Have Done Something Like That

Seriously He Could Have Done Something Like That Source: properpita

You Don't Have To Care About Other People

You Don't Have To Care About Other People Source: WarriorDiamond

Keep Your Head Strong


He Is But Sadly Not For You

He Is But Sadly Not For You Source: HallGardenDiva

Also No One Has Mentioned The New Wife


At Least He Does That One

What do you guys think? It's sad that OP was treated like dirt by her dad during his first marriage. Share us your thoughts what you think.
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