  Table of content    
  1. Here's The Full Story
  2. OP Goes Straight To The Problem
  3. Nope You're Not
  4. It's Not That Extreme
  5. Don't Think OP Will Be Doing Like You Recommend
  6. Exactly They're Not
  7. Could It Be Favoritism?
  8. Besides There Should Be One Grow Up To Take Care Of Them Not A Tennager
  9. Hope At Least You Get A Good Talk With Them OP
  10. It Should Be Their Responsibility
  11. At Least Your Parents Should Do This OP
  12. When They're Halfway What
  13. You'll Do That OP
  14. Your Parents At Least Should Have Warned OP First

Redditor Demands That They Will Only Babysit Their Siblings Again When They Get Paid

It's always hard when family members have to go at each other's throat. We found another drama like that from the glorified r/AmIthe*sshole.
In this situation, OP (16F) has three younger siblings, twin brothers, and one sister, all under 10. She frequently gets asked by her parents to watch them when they need to go out, but recently, it has become more problematic.
The parents take extended periods to return, often coinciding with times when OP has plans with friends. Additionally, when in the house, the parents tend to shift all the responsibility onto OP, even when it interferes with her plans or activities.
On the night of her friend's birthday celebration, OP's parents inform her that they are going out for drinks and need her to watch the siblings. Frustrated and having made plans for weeks, OP confronts her parents, expressing her frustration with always being the babysitter and feeling neglected when they are in the house.
Despite explaining her prior plans for a special occasion, her parents call her selfish, emphasizing that it's a one-time request and they rarely get to do things like this.

Here's The Full Story

Here's The Full Story Source: Hot_Leader9384

OP Goes Straight To The Problem

OP Goes Straight To The Problem Source: Hot_Leader9384

Nope You're Not

Nope You're Not Source: Hot_Leader9384

It's Not That Extreme


Don't Think OP Will Be Doing Like You Recommend

Don't Think OP Will Be Doing Like You Recommend Source: Champi_Feuille

Exactly They're Not

Exactly They're Not Source: ShottySHD

Could It Be Favoritism?

Could It Be Favoritism? Source: SpkyMldr

Besides There Should Be One Grow Up To Take Care Of Them Not A Tennager


Hope At Least You Get A Good Talk With Them OP

Hope At Least You Get A Good Talk With Them OP Source: Hot_Leader9384

It Should Be Their Responsibility

It Should Be Their Responsibility Source: Brainjacker

At Least Your Parents Should Do This OP

At Least Your Parents Should Do This OP Source: boiledpenny

When They're Halfway What


You'll Do That OP

You'll Do That OP Source: cocopuff7603

Your Parents At Least Should Have Warned OP First

Your Parents At Least Should Have Warned OP First Source: cocopuff7603
So what are your thoughts on this one? Do they also look similar to Reddit's? Let's hear it!
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