  Table of content    
  1. Let's See Why This Is Undecided
  2. Short But Comprehensible
  3. They Know The House Rules
  4. Well Your DIL Broke The Rules
  5. Wow That's A Bit Too Much
  6. Yeah I Think You Should Leave Him Out
  7. Also Wondering That
  8. Got It Now Thanks
  9. Yeah It's 300 Wine Really
  10. OP Was Super Kind I Noticed That To
  11. It's Simple As That And Yet They Couldn't Even Tell OP About It
  12. This Is More Than Just Some Wine Case Imo
  13. Think Of It As A Fine For Violating The Rules
  14. They Maybe Lied About The Wine
  15. Maybe They Are Saving For The Reno But Still They Violated The Rules Here
  16. Edit 1: So The Wife Is Overdramatic
  17. Edit 2: The Wine Is Not That Expensive

Man Thinking Of Leaving His Son Out Of His Will Over A $300 Wine Case

Meet OP, a retired man who's living the life as a grandpa. OP was having the life of the time when suddenly, his son and his wife need a new place while their house is being renovated. Being a good dad, OP invited them to live with them for a time being.

However, issues arose when his wife failed to follow simple house rules, such as cleaning up after themselves, avoiding loud noises at night, and, most importantly, not having alcohol in the house due to OP's wife's trauma related to alcohol.

While things seemed fine initially, problems escalated when OP's wife discovered wine in the attic. She poured it out, and it turned out to be a $25 bottle, not the $300 DIL claimed. This led to a significant fight, causing tension in our relationship.
After they moved out, OP's son informed us that they couldn't see our grandkids anymore, reevaluating our relationship due to the incident. OP expressed his frustration, emphasizing that he knew the house rules, and his disregard caused stress to OP's wife. He insisted on cutting ties, and in response, OP told him that if he followed through, he'd be out of the will.
This sparked another argument, and he's now angry with OP. Let's see Reddit's verdict.


Let's See Why This Is Undecided


Short But Comprehensible


They Know The House Rules


Well Your DIL Broke The Rules


Wow That's A Bit Too Much


Yeah I Think You Should Leave Him Out


Also Wondering That

Also Wondering That Source: andromache97

Got It Now Thanks


Yeah It's 300 Wine Really

Yeah It's 300 Wine Really Source: metalmorian

OP Was Super Kind I Noticed That To

OP Was Super Kind I Noticed That To Source: Nzafe

It's Simple As That And Yet They Couldn't Even Tell OP About It

It's Simple As That And Yet They Couldn't Even Tell OP About It Source: Nzafe

This Is More Than Just Some Wine Case Imo


Think Of It As A Fine For Violating The Rules

Think Of It As A Fine For Violating The Rules Source: 1962Micheal

They Maybe Lied About The Wine

They Maybe Lied About The Wine Source: 1962Micheal

Maybe They Are Saving For The Reno But Still They Violated The Rules Here

Maybe They Are Saving For The Reno But Still They Violated The Rules Here Source: ladyrockess

Edit 1: So The Wife Is Overdramatic


Edit 2: The Wine Is Not That Expensive

Well it's always a sad story when it comes to family. What are your thoughts about this? Drop us your comments down below.
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