Husband Provides All For His Family Still Gets Asked For Divorce By His Wife
Meet OP, a 37-year-old father, finds himself of a marriage crisis as his wife, 36, has requested a divorce or separation. They have two sons, and work in jobs with different income levels, contributing to the care of their children. The wife, dissatisfied for months and has had a feeling of having more in the relationship.
OP describes his wife as having higher standards, and being the primary decision-maker. In contrast, OP feels overwhelmed and prefers a simpler, more adaptable approach to life. The wife perceives OP as lacking initiative, leading to frustration.
The wife expresses frustration with OP's contributions at home, feeling like she has to care for him like another child. While OP acknowledges his shortcomings, he emphasizes efforts in areas like childcare, nighttime feedings, and supporting her work.
Despite expressing his love for his wife and a reluctance towards divorce, uncertainty looms over the future of their relationship. Let's see Reddit's verdict!
Brace Yourselves
Source: spectral948
Setting The Context
Source: spectral948
Should Have Learned This Before Having Kids
Source: spectral948
Materialism Vs Sentimental Values
Source: spectral948
OP Works A Lot And Still Has To Do More
Source: spectral948
Imo I Think OP Works Really Hard Enough
Source: spectral948
Feel Bad For This Marriage
Source: spectral948
It Is Really A Bad?
Source: spectral948
Should Have Learned To Step Up More OP
Source: spectral948
Try Couselling OP
Source: spectral948
Maybe OP Doesn't Care Much For The House
Source: Time-Scene7603
It Could Be The Way For OPs Wife To Get Out
Source: Ramble_Bramble123
Do This First If You Want To Save Your Marriage
Source: allthatssolid
OP Seems Very Unmitivated
Source: Fantastic-Theory964
I Guess It's A Type Of Husband
Source: whenyajustcant
It Think All The Wives Need Is A God Command Of Doing Housework
Source: whenyajustcant
OP Doesn't Understand It
Source: EpisodicDoleWhip
OP Does Feel Like A Child
Source: chewbooks
Maybe OP Knows It Beforehand
Source: Unfair_Finger5531
So what do you guys think? It's a sad story that OP though still provides, it could never be enough for his family. Best of luck to you in the future. Drop your comments below.
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