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  1. OP confidently affirms that her dog is gentle and safe
  2. Although the dog is gentle, it should not be left alone with kids
  3. The OP's niece consistently engages in rough behavior with her dog
  4. OP has tried to intervene and communicate the potential danger with her brother, but he thinks that she's criticizing his parenting
  5. During a family hangout, OP's dog growling at the niece
  6. The OP promptly brought the dog into her bedroom to avoid any escalation
  7. But the brother angrily insisted the dog should be put down
  8. The OP took responsibility for the situation and firmly asserted that the dog was not dangerous
  9. The OP is open to various solutions like crating the dog or avoiding visits
  10. Here's the comments of Reddit users:

Reddit User's Dog Growls In Response To Harassment From Her Niece, Dad Insists On Putting The Dog Down

This Redditor faces a tough situation with her dog and her niece. As shared in a post on the r/relationship_advice subreddit, she has a gentle dog, and he loves everyone. However, he may harm someone if they mistreat him.
Her niece often "pulls his tail, climbs on/lays on him, hits him, pulls his ears, gets in his face and yells at him." To avoid something bad happening, the OP warned her brother that he shouldn't leave his kid with the dog alone, but he still did.
One day, the dog growled at the child, and this triggered a heated family dispute. But there's more to the story. Scroll down to read the entire story.
So now the OP is asking... Source: (not the actual photo)

So now the OP is asking...

throwra_toddlerdog's storySource: throwra_toddlerdog


OP confidently affirms that her dog is gentle and safe


Although the dog is gentle, it should not be left alone with kids


The OP's niece consistently engages in rough behavior with her dog


OP has tried to intervene and communicate the potential danger with her brother, but he thinks that she's criticizing his parenting


During a family hangout, OP's dog growling at the niece


The OP promptly brought the dog into her bedroom to avoid any escalation


But the brother angrily insisted the dog should be put down


The OP took responsibility for the situation and firmly asserted that the dog was not dangerous


The OP is open to various solutions like crating the dog or avoiding visits


Here's the comments of Reddit users:

whisky_biscuit's comment Source: whisky_biscuit
eggjacket's comment Source: eggjacket
sipika's comment Source: sipika
ydnaydnas's comment Source: ydnaydnas
Gavel_Guide's comment Source: Gavel_Guide
Bri_IsTheLight's comment Source: Bri_IsTheLight
qlohengrin's comment Source: qlohengrin
What do you think about this family situation? Have you ever had a problem balancing a pet and family? Share your thoughts and experiences – your input could really help the OP. Drop a comment below and let's talk!
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