
Drunk Yoga Poses - Practicing Yoga Is Never So Easy After Having Some Alcohol Shots

It seems that doing yoga while drunk is the new way to practice this, and the best part is that you can do it even without you realizing it. Exercise is not the most enjoyable activity and most people will avoid it at all costs, especially yoga – a difficult discipline that requires flexibility and patience. Admit it, most of us would have to agree that we'd rather pick up a McDonald's and lounge around on a gaming chair all day than break a sweat for this tough sport.Okay, if you've just woken up from a big hangover at the party last night and if your headaches and hangovers aren't all there yet, you're likely to feel a pain in your lower back. Wait, you remember that last night you just had a few drinks with some friends at the pub, why is your body so sore? Well, my friend, you must have been doing yoga while drunk and while it's not meant to be funny, they are worth a look because you can actually do crazy poses when your body is actually asleep. See if you can relate to these funny drunk yoga poses.If you want to see funny pictures and photos, just join us here.



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