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  1. The OP asks:
  2. OP consistently showers gifts and hospitality on her boyfriend sister, Amy, but she has never reciprocated
  3. When OP's boyfriend Adam asked Amy to mail him a box of legal documents, she then sent him a bill to reimburse her for the postage
  4. OP refused to gift her boufriend's ungrateful sister on her birthday
  5. It seems odd for the OP's boyfriend to baby his sister
  6. The OP should ask her boyfriend why there are different expectations for them despite being the same age
  7. A simple thank-you text is not too much to ask for
  8. Why Amy billed the OP's boyfriend for postage and time? It's unbelievable
  9. His sister takes advantage of him
  10. His sister may be taking advantage of his kindness
  11. The commenter supports the OP's viewpoint
  12. Amy is 25 years old and should display better manners
  13. Buy Amy gifts she won't like
  14. Need a conversation between OP's boyfriend and his sister for better understanding
  15. The sister should understand basic social contracts in relationships

Woman Gets Assaulted By Boyfriend After Refusing To Give Gifts To His Ungrateful Sister For Her Approaching Birthday

The Redditor (OP) is feeling frustrated because she's been putting a lot of effort into giving nice gifts to her boyfriend's sister, Amy. However, Amy doesn't seem to appreciate it much, and she's never even sent a ‘thank you’ message for the gifts the OP sent her, which makes the OP unhappy.
As Amy’s birthday approaches, the OP decides she's had enough and refuses to give any gifts for Amy's birthday. Even though her boyfriend wants to keep giving gifts to Amy because she's his sister, the OP stands her ground.
The OP's boyfriend thinks the OP is being unfair, calling her decision an "a**hole move." Do you agree with the OP's boyfriend? Scroll down to read the entire story and share your thoughts with us in the comment!

The OP asks:


OP consistently showers gifts and hospitality on her boyfriend sister, Amy, but she has never reciprocated


OP refused to gift her boufriend's ungrateful sister on her birthday


It seems odd for the OP's boyfriend to baby his sister

it seems odd for the OP's boyfriend to baby his sister Source: kitkat_2222

The OP should ask her boyfriend why there are different expectations for them despite being the same age

The OP should ask her boyfriend why there are different expectations for them despite being the same age Source: Travelcat67

A simple thank-you text is not too much to ask for

A simple thank-you text is not too much to ask for Source: Nattodesu

Why Amy billed the OP's boyfriend for postage and time? It's unbelievable

Why Amy billed the OP's boyfriend for postage and time? It's unbelievable Source: DobberAD

His sister takes advantage of him

His sister takes advantage of him Source: pineboxwaiting

His sister may be taking advantage of his kindness

His sister may be taking advantage of his kindness Source: Far_Opening2859

The commenter supports the OP's viewpoint

The commenter supports the OP's viewpoint Source: Travelcat67

Amy is 25 years old and should display better manners


Buy Amy gifts she won't like


Need a conversation between OP's boyfriend and his sister for better understanding

Need a conversation between OP's boyfriend and his sister for better understanding Source: badass_panda

The sister should understand basic social contracts in relationships

The sister should understand basic social contracts in relationships Source: The_Ramenista
What do you think about this situation? Have you ever dealt with a family member getting special treatment without giving back? Share your experiences and advice with the OP—how did you handle it?
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