  Table of content    
  1. OP pays rent to her parents, covers personal expenses, saves for driving lessons, and aims to use her savings for a car
  2. OP obtained a credit card. She tries to maintain a good credit score by using it cautiously
  3. OP's brother and sister-in-law, both with past credit card debt, asked to use hers
  4. OP got angry and laughed off their demands, and walking away
  5. OP's brother and sister-in-law had manipulated her parents, leading to her father kicking them out
  6. "Don't let them pressure you into fraud"
  7. The unexpected family argument is causing distress
  8. Your family's demanding behavior over your money is concerning
  9. You shouldn't get involved in their financial troubles
  10. Hide the card and watch your credit score
  11. They're mistaken if they think credit cards are "free money"
  12. You're not wrong
  13. Consider locking your credit card through the app to prevent unauthorized use
  14. Your family is attempting to steal from you

Responsible University Student Faces Family Pressure As Brother And Sister-In-Law Sees Her Credit Card As 'Free Money'

A senior university student, trying to be responsible with money, recently got a credit card to learn about managing credit wisely and build some up. However, things got tricky when her brother and his wife, who had 'debt spurned on by excessive credit card use,' demanded to borrow her card. Is her money "free money?"
This caused a family clash over whether her brother and sister-in-law should use the card and raised questions about financial responsibility. Curious about what happened next? Keep reading for more details!
Brother And Sister-In-Law Sees Her Credit Card As 'Free Money' Source: (not the actual photo)

Let's dig into the details:

Original Poster's storySource: Original Poster


OP pays rent to her parents, covers personal expenses, saves for driving lessons, and aims to use her savings for a car

OP pays rent to her parents, covers personal expenses Source: Original Poster

OP obtained a credit card. She tries to maintain a good credit score by using it cautiously

She tries to maintain a good credit score by using it cautiously Source: Original Poster

OP's brother and sister-in-law, both with past credit card debt, asked to use hers

OP's brother and sister-in-law, both with past credit card debt, asked to use hers Source: Original Poster

OP got angry and laughed off their demands, and walking away

OP got angry and laughed off their demands, and walking away Source: Original Poster

OP's brother and sister-in-law had manipulated her parents, leading to her father kicking them out

OP's brother and sister-in-law had manipulated her parents, leading to her father kicking them out Source: Original Poster

"Don't let them pressure you into fraud"

"Don't let them pressure you into fraud" Source: Reddit User

The unexpected family argument is causing distress

The unexpected family argument is causing distress Source: RhiRhi202

Your family's demanding behavior over your money is concerning

Your family's demanding behavior over your money is concerning Source: RhiRhi202

You shouldn't get involved in their financial troubles

You shouldn't get involved in their financial troubles Source: Reddit User

Hide the card and watch your credit score

Hide the card and watch your credit score Source: PastaM0nster

They're mistaken if they think credit cards are "free money"


You're not wrong

Their entitlement to use your credit card is absurd

Reddit User's commentSource: Reddit User


Consider locking your credit card through the app to prevent unauthorized use

Consider locking your credit card through the app to prevent unauthorized use Source: MaskedSonnet

Your family is attempting to steal from you

Have you ever found yourself navigating tricky financial situations within your family? What are your thoughts on maintaining financial boundaries, especially when faced with requests from close relatives? Share your experiences and opinions in the comments below!
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