Wife Insists On A Gender Neutral Name For Upcoming Baby Girl, Threatens To Exclude Husband From Choosing The Baby's Name
On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, a man shared that he recently found himself in a tough situation where he and his girlfriend disagreed about picking the name for their baby girl.
The husband likes classic names such as Juliet, Orion, Violet, Scarlet, and Dakota, while the wife prefers modern, gender-neutral options like Hunter, Scout, Payton, Rory, Morgan, and Kai.
Things took an unexpected turn when the wife considered leaving the husband out of the decision entirely. She even talked about telling the hospital staff not to ask him about the baby's name on the birth certificate.
Seeking advice online, the husband asks if he's wrong for wanting a more traditional name. He also asks readers to be understanding and avoid making hurtful comments.

The OP asks:

OP and his wife are facing unexpected challenges in choosing a name for their baby

While the OP wants a female name, his wife wants a gender neutral name

Just to make some facts clear, the OP added some edits

A trans person reassures the OP that choosing a gender-neutral name isn't as crucial

Individuals can always change their names later

Redditor worries about potential projection of the wife's desires onto the child

Commenter criticizes the idea of choosing a gender-neutral name based on potential future decisions

The wife is overthinking

OP should concern over his wife's threat to exclude him from birth certificate decisions

The wife's threat is unreasonable

This redditor shares what she thinks about her name

A gender-neutral name can bring some challenges

Finding a name both partners like

Traditional gender-specific names like Juliet may become gender-neutral over time

Readers, what are your thoughts on this naming dilemma? Have any of you faced similar situations or have insights to share about the significance of gender-neutral names? Your opinions and experiences can contribute to a richer understanding of this unique situation.
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