Why Is V Shred Hated So Much? This Scammy Looking Guy Has A Dirty Secret

Michelle Hall

"I don't want my big regret to be watching a 50-minute V-Shred video." "This guy puts out is full of misinformation and really does nothing except mislead people and promote garbage products in the process." "I can't believe he's saying this stuff. it's mind-blowing that he's that stupid."

Those are just some of the supposedly least harsh comments regarding V Shred's content. In an industry where people can literally argue about a freaking barbell, this channel has done one thing that no one before him could achieve: a united, unforgiving hated from the community.

So who's this ultimate villain of the fitness industry and why should you be beware of it?

The Rise of V Shred: A Mere Good Looking Guy With Trashy Content?

The Rise of V Shred: A Mere Good Looking Guy With Trashy Content? Source: YouTube

In 2015, V Shred embarked on his journey to fitness stardom, posting videos like "Get Shredded Fast." Initially appearing as just another fitness channel, V Shred started gaining traction by providing tips in a format similar to well-respected YouTubers like Athlean-X. However, the honeymoon phase was short-lived as accusations of content plagiarism surfaced.

V Shred faced severe backlash when it was revealed that Vince was allegedly copying content from Athlean-X, a renowned fitness YouTuber. Critics argued that V Shred's content was not only similar but also showcased a lack of understanding and expertise in the fitness domain. This included instances where Vince stumbled over explanations of exercises, leading viewers to question his credibility as a fitness guru.

One of the primary reasons for the disdain towards V Shred is the perceived dissemination of misinformation and potentially dangerous advice in its videos. Fitness YouTubers argue that V Shred's content is rife with inaccuracies, ranging from improper deadlift demonstrations to the promotion of dubious exercises. The fitness community, always sensitive to accurate information, took issue with V Shred's alleged lack of expertise.

However, digging deeper into the dynamics of V Shred's success, it becomes apparent that Vince (the guy you usually see in their videos) might be more of a puppet than a knowledgeable fitness expert. It is suggested that V Shred was founded by a group of internet marketers and fitness experts who recognized the financial potential of using Vince as the face of the company. This revelation positions Vince as a mere puppet following the directives of these behind-the-scenes marketers.

V Shred's success is attributed, in part, to the marketing strategies employed by the company. V Shred's marketing team utilizes emotionally manipulative tactics and pseudoscience-infused content to target beginners, who are perceived as easier to influence. The company is accused of prioritizing profit over providing accurate fitness information, leading to skepticism among viewers about the authenticity of V Shred's content.

A Content Machine Making Millions, But Is It Legit?

A Content Machine Making Millions, But Is It Legit? Source: Google Images

With an estimated 100 to 200 employees, V Shred is portrayed as a substantial business where Vince is the public face but not necessarily the brains behind the operation. The guy might be following scripts and instructions rather than genuinely sharing expert fitness knowledge. The marketing team is portrayed as the true force driving the company's success.

Another point of contention is V Shred's supplement line, Sculpt Nation, which has been described as a parody of the supplement industry. YouTubers criticize the fat burners and testosterone boosters offered by Sculpt Nation, arguing that they are overpriced, backed by pseudoscience, and clinically underdosed. The use of proprietary blends is also highlighted as a deceptive practice that compromises transparency with customers.

Enter the aftermath of V Shred's controversial practices, particularly the backlash from customers. Trust Pilot reviews are cited as evidence of the company facing accusations of unauthorized charges, leading many to label them as scammers and frauds. Customers express dissatisfaction with the products, further fueling the negative sentiment surrounding V Shred.

Despite the controversies, V Shred seems to be expanding its business, notably in the clothing line. The potential profitability of the venture while critiquing the high prices of the products. While the clothing line is deemed more genuine than other offerings, the overarching message from the YouTube community remains a cautionary one—advising consumers to seek information and products from more reliable sources.

V Shred's contentious journey in the fitness industry has been marked by allegations of content plagiarism, misinformation, and questionable marketing practices. V Shred's rise to fame, the role of Vince as a puppet, and the criticisms of the supplement line shed light on why the fitness community harbors a strong dislike for the brand.

About Vince Sant... This Is Why You Probably Shouldn't Trust This Guy

Open your laptop, scroll through social media, or just binge-watch some YouTube — chances are, you've encountered Vince Sant's chiseled abs and bold promises on his annoying ads. But here's the twist: as the buzz around V Shred grows, so does the skepticism.

“I’ve been eating healthy for years," boasts Vince Sant in a YouTube ad for V Shred. "And I was eating these foods that people say are healthy but were actually killing my body’s number one fat-burning and muscle-building hormone. And when I stopped eating these, my results went through the roof.”

If you've been wondering why those VShred ads seem to haunt your every online move, you're not alone. The fitness community is buzzing with mixed feelings, and social media is flooded with sentiments like, "What's with all these VShred ads I've been getting on my YouTube since the start of the pandemic!?!!" and "If that VShred guy comes up on my Snapchat ads once again, I'm personally going to throw hands at him."

“It’s not even clear what V Shred is. I think you stumbled across one of the emptiest fitness influencer accounts," remarks Oliver Lee Bateman, MEL’s resident fitness buff. “He seems to be selling a few powders and a shaker bottle. It’s mostly, ‘If you’ve only ever had one hamburger, you might think it’s the best hamburger.’ If you’ve only ever seen one of these guys, you might think he’s got all the answers.”

“Results that you can have as well if you just buy their course after they reel you in with their free online training. It’s rampant. It’s toxic. And it’s profitable. I highly suggest that no one clicks on a YouTube ad, ever. They’re targeting the uninformed, the misinformed, the gullible, the stupid, the ‘I want it now’ crowd. Nothing is easy in life, and the convenient, simple solutions they offer are just a way to separate you from your money,” warns bodybuilder Geoffrey Verity Schofield.

Vince Sant's fitness approach is not just about workouts; it's about selling an entire lifestyle, complete with supplements that claim to work miracles. However, as we navigate the SCULPTnation website, what stands out is a familiar tune — the supplement hustle.

Questionable Supplement Products: Should You Buy Into The SCULPT Scheme?

Questionable Supplement Products: Should You Buy Into The SCULPT Scheme? Source: Amazon

It would be more forgiving for V Shred and SCULPT if they don't promote content for solely sales at the expense of the buyer's health. Regarding V Shred and SCULPT nation's weight loss or fat burner supplements, here's the experts' 2 cents:

“What Vince Sant is actually selling is turmeric,” Bateman reveals. “I guess it has some benefits. Turmeric is mainly used in Indian cooking and stuff. You could put it on your curry. But that’s the main product here — turmeric black. He’s saying that it’s scientifically backed. That’s one of those wiggle words — like a promise to ‘enhance fat burn.’ None of these claims mean anything. He’s also selling matcha, which is just green tea.”

The fitness community is not buying into the hype. Influencers like James Linker and Sean Nalewanyj are waving red flags, cautioning their followers against putting their trust in Vince Sant and his SCULPTnation supplements. And the consumer reviews? Let's just say they're not singing praises either.

Many dissatisfied customers have taken to platforms like ReportScam.com and TrustPilot.com to share their experiences with V Shred and SCULPTnation, documenting what they claim happened when they invested their hard-earned money. Complaints have piled up, raising concerns about the legitimacy of the promises made by Vince Sant and his fitness empire.

Regarding the science behind these so-called "fat-burner" products, you should keep in mind that weight loss is basically based on calorie deficit.

Here's a simple breakdown: p out how many calories you should eat daily. Apps like myfitnesspal can estimate it for you, or you can find online calculators. Begin by tracking your regular food intake using the app. Stay within the calorie limit suggested by the app. Weight loss products contain either stimulants or god-knows-what ingredients that can mess your body up badly with prolonged use, so don't head that way.