Top 15 Film Characters That Most Of Viewers Can’t Stand Ever

Jessica Wilson

While filmmakers are trying to create charismatic villains, characters that are definitely loathsome to audiences are still in Movies. We might get used to seeing despicable human beings whose only purpose is to make life miserable for the “heroes” and regular, innocent people.

We've completed a list of the most hated film characters that viewers can’t stand ever, and if you're looking for more, read these articles: 10+ Movie Characters That We’re Supposed To Sympathize With But Some Viewers Just Can’t and 10 Famous Movie Characters That Seem Like Great Role Models but Aren’t.

We've completed a list of the most hated film characters, and if you're looking for more, read these articles: 10+ Movie Characters That We’re Supposed To Sympathize With But Some Viewers Just Can’t and 10 Famous Movie Characters That Seem Like Great Role Models but Aren’t.

#1 Bella Swan, The Twilight Saga

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Lionsgate Films

She was entirely believable as a pouty teenager. (censor)
I showed my mom that Bella was on this list and she went "Yep. Top of the list as she should be." (Black Pearl)

#2 Dolores Umbridge, Harry Potter Franchise

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Warner Bros.

Great villain but probably the most hated character in the HP fandom. (Jessica Cifelli)
Pretty sure they wrote her to be like this. She’s annoying in a way that benefits the movie and adds to the story. (Scipio Africanus)

#3 Joffrey Baratheon, Game Of Thrones

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: HBO

Joffrey was such an easy character to hate! never understood how people would or why they transferred such hate to the actual person...madness!!! (Baseball is Life)

#4 Nellie Olson, Little House On The Prarie

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: NBC

I remember her from the books. I’m pretty sure she kicked the dog. (Bee she/her)
She was sooo annoying!!! Her mother harriet though was even worse I'd say. Remember the 100% sale they had that one time? AMAZING (Nuri)

#5 Carrie Bradshaw, Sex And The City

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: HBO

She was actually good at making problems where there weren't any. (Juan Alcorta)

#6 Veruca Salt, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Warner Bros.

Veruca was meant to be a spoilt wee brat though - the character was played so well by both actresses in both films! (Kt)

#7 Buzz McAllister, Home Alone Series

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: 20th Century Fox

 I hated this character so much. He was like my bullying older brother, only WORSE. (Ash)
Buzz is a freaking ICON. (Izzy)

#8 Edward Cullen, The Twilight Saga

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Lionsgate Films

He was basically a miserable old git. (Joy)

#9 Caledon Hockley, Titanic

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: 20th Century Fox

This guy pisses me off every time I watch this movie. (Hello)
For most of the movie he just seems like an obnoxious buffoon, but when he goes full-on violent and abusive toward Rose it was genuinely scary. (Katie Lutesinger)

#10 Andrea, The Walking Dead

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: AMC

Andrea got done dirty on the show. I wish they'd kept her true to the source material. She and Dale were in a relationship, not just hanging out in an RV together. And she survived multiple near-death experiences that resulted in her getting some gnarly scars. She was also the one who wound up as Rick's long-term partner instead of Michonne. (Bitch Knitter)

#11 Ross Geller, Friends

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Warner Bros.

His entire behavior was childish and toxic. Especially his relationship with Rachel. They literally dragged each other down. (xolitaire)

#12 Lori Grimes, The Walking Dead

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: AMC

I hated her so much when I first watched it but then I watched it again and thought she was fine and her responses to most stuff was okay ish. (AnyOtherName)

#13 Anastasia Steele, Fifty Shades Of Grey

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Universal Studios

Such a waste of perfectly good girl porn. ZERO chemistry between her and Jamie. It was heartbreaking when Charlie Hunan backed out. (Clementine Smith)

#14 Christian Grey, Fifty Shades Of Grey

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: Universal Studios

If you meet someone like him in real life. RUN. You in danger, girl. (Laroo)
He’s creepy and abusive. He’s not a romance novel hero, he’s the unsub on an episode of “Criminal Minds”. (Enlee Jones)

#15 Viserys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones

Characters That Viewers Can’t Stand EverSource: HBO

No matter how annoying he was (and he was), his death made up for it a hundred times over! (Al Effendi)
Game of thrones is full of awful characters. There was two character I liked, Tyrion and Tywin. And only until killing Tywin, after that the whole show went down. (Šimon Špaček)