21 Cringey Selfie Stick Fails That Prove Why No One Uses Them Anymore

Emily Mahboobeh

Do you still remember the long and awkward stick called the "selfie stick" that everyone had in 2015? Well, it may have been useful back then, but now it is simply a meaningless gadget that no one uses anymore. And, paradoxically, for something designed to capture you at your finest, no one has ever looked anything other than a total jerk when using one. Do you think we're making this up? Well, we are not. Seriously. Keep reading as we present some of the worst selfie stick fails and tell us they are not the absolute worst.
It's a known fact that selfie sticks make you self-sufficient. Some people call them stupid, and others don't leave their house without one. Well, hate them or love them. We can't just ignore them. Therefore, let's hop in the time machine to laugh at the time when people were crazy over the stick; scroll down and enjoy 21 cringey selfie stick fails!

#1. Selfie sticks were invented for a very specific reason. And well, not this:

Selfie Stick FailsSource: imgur

#2. Or this:

Selfie Stick FailsSource: imgur

#3. Definitely not this:

Source: pinimg

#4. It's just getting worse.

Selfie Stick FailsSource: modernman

#5. When you got a phone call, there will be a lot of this awkwardness:

Selfie Stick FailsSource: modernman

#6. Or this:

Selfie Stick FailsSource: thejournal

#7. And this:

Source: thejournal

#8. LOL, how can we forget this:

Source: imgur

#9. Just why?

Source: modernman

#10. Selfie stick, earphones, and the railway track. What a combo!

Source: amfblog

#11. "Totally seemed like a good idea prior to smashing that bus head-on."

Source: modernman

#12. Grounds for disowning your child moment:

Source: ranker

#13. Like mother, like son.

Source: ranker

#14. A walking hazard.

Source: ranker

#15. Oh Diddy.

Source: ranker

#16. Just stick to eating.

Source: ranker

#17. Tag team.

Source: ranker

#18. Dinner for three:

Selfie Stick FailsSource: ranker

#19. A time to reflect:

Source: ranker

#20. Selfie stick civilization:

Source: ranker

#21. And lastly, this is what the kids refer to as a “level up.”

Source: modernman

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