10 Worst Horror Movie Clichés That Will Make You Scream Out In Anger
Have you ever watched a horror movie expecting to be scared, only to feel anger because of an overused trope instead? For the horror fans out there, we feel you. Sometimes the actions of the characters are just completely ridiculous. Their stupidity makes us wanna scream “Why did you do that!?” to our screen in frustration. Their choices make no sense! These Are The Worst Horror Movie Clichés.
So let’s gather around and see what are the worst clichés in horror Movies.that are more annoying than scary. What trope do you loathe to see? There are so many clichés in horror movies.
And the worst part about this cliché is that they continue to crawl the rest of the way instead of getting up and running like a normal person in real life would.
So let’s gather around and see what are the worst clichés in horror Movies.that are more annoying than scary. What trope do you loathe to see? There are so many clichés in horror movies.
1. Ignorance Is Bliss
Source: American International Pictures
2. Investigate Ominous Rooms/Sounds ALONE
Source: Paramount Pictures
3. Creepy Kids
Source: MGM
4. Answer Late-night Phone Calls When They're Not Expecting A Call
Source: Woods Entertainment
5. Useless Phones
Source: Reddit
6. Trip over thin air
Source: Getty Images
And the worst part about this cliché is that they continue to crawl the rest of the way instead of getting up and running like a normal person in real life would.
7. Running For The Staircase Instead Of The Door
Source: The Rental (2020)
8. Terrible Hiding Places
Source: Jasper Savage / Amblin Partners / Focus Features
9. The Car Won't Start
Source: Getty Images
10. Unnecessary Jump Scares
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