10 Famous Plot Holes In Iconic Movies That Are Finally Solved
Sometimes when you watch a movie or a TV show, you realize details that make absolutely no sense. And these details aren’t just small details that many people would miss either. Some of them play a big part in the story and can completely change its course. Those are called plot holes, and they are quite annoying once you have noticed them.
But some plot holes aren’t plot holes at all! We just don’t know their explanations yet. So if you are curious about the answers to these seemingly illogical details, then read on. There are famous plot holes in classic movies.
American Physical Society calculated that the door was made of oak, which is a type of wood not very good at floating. So if we added the weight of Jack and Rose on the surface at the same time, the door would have sunk. So, even though they both could fit, the door was not going to support the weight of both of them. If you watch the movie closely, then you can notice the scenes where Jack tries to get on but stops when the door starts to sink.
It was because her father violently destroyed her Human Trinkets collection, something that brought her more joy than anything else. It took her so much time to build and it was gone in a blink of an eye. All of her efforts were destroyed by her father. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back and drove her to make a deal with Ursula. She no longer felt happy or safe in her father's ocean, so she felt she had to leave. Eric is just a nice bonus.
And the most important reason is that he had to live with a blood relative to maintain the blood ward. Petunia Dursley is his only living blood relative, so there really was no other choice.
The explanation came from Pete Docter, Pixar’s Chief Creative Officer. To him, it doesn’t matter because it wasn’t relevant to the story. But if he has to answer, then the answer is that the act of freezing is a reflex action in all toys. Something that is programmed into his subconscious.
The directors, explained this detail in a chat, saying that Cypher was an expert programmer and had written a program that automated the process. You can kinda see the code in the scene where he talks to Neo.
To co-writer Bob Gale, this is not a plot hole at all. Although Marty helped his parents get together, Lorraine and George only hung out with him for 8 days. He then completely disappeared from their life, and it’s really hard to remember anyone you met 30 years ago from memory without the aid of a photograph.
The answer isn’t magic. Hank Hultquist, vice president of telecommunications company AT&T, explained that during the time of the film the local calls are another type of connection so they could still work.
The flashback explaining Andy’s escape is the answer. He pinned his poster on two spots: top and bottom. He then unpinned the bottom half and crawled into the hole. The top half of the poster was still secured, keeping the poster in place.
But some plot holes aren’t plot holes at all! We just don’t know their explanations yet. So if you are curious about the answers to these seemingly illogical details, then read on. There are famous plot holes in classic movies.
1. The Door - Titanic
Source: © Titanic / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers
American Physical Society calculated that the door was made of oak, which is a type of wood not very good at floating. So if we added the weight of Jack and Rose on the surface at the same time, the door would have sunk. So, even though they both could fit, the door was not going to support the weight of both of them. If you watch the movie closely, then you can notice the scenes where Jack tries to get on but stops when the door starts to sink.
2. Ariel Signed A Dangerous Deal For A Man She Just Met - The Little Mermaid
Source: Disney
It was because her father violently destroyed her Human Trinkets collection, something that brought her more joy than anything else. It took her so much time to build and it was gone in a blink of an eye. All of her efforts were destroyed by her father. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back and drove her to make a deal with Ursula. She no longer felt happy or safe in her father's ocean, so she felt she had to leave. Eric is just a nice bonus.
3. Why Dumbledore Left Harry To Live With The Dursleys - Harry Potter
Source: Warner Bros
And the most important reason is that he had to live with a blood relative to maintain the blood ward. Petunia Dursley is his only living blood relative, so there really was no other choice.
4. Buzz Freezes Around Humans - Toy Story
Source: © Toy Story / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
The explanation came from Pete Docter, Pixar’s Chief Creative Officer. To him, it doesn’t matter because it wasn’t relevant to the story. But if he has to answer, then the answer is that the act of freezing is a reflex action in all toys. Something that is programmed into his subconscious.
5. Who jacked Cypher into the Matrix? - Matrix
Source: © The Matrix / Warner Bros. and co-producers
The directors, explained this detail in a chat, saying that Cypher was an expert programmer and had written a program that automated the process. You can kinda see the code in the scene where he talks to Neo.
6. Scar Lets Simba Get Away - The Lion King
Source: © The Lion King / Walt Disney Pictures and co-producers
7. The Couch In Central Perk - Friends
Source: © Friends / Warner Bros. Television and co-producers
8. Marty McFly’s Parents Don’t Recognize Him - Back To The Future
Source: © Back to the future / Universal Pictures and co-producers
To co-writer Bob Gale, this is not a plot hole at all. Although Marty helped his parents get together, Lorraine and George only hung out with him for 8 days. He then completely disappeared from their life, and it’s really hard to remember anyone you met 30 years ago from memory without the aid of a photograph.
9. Kevin Orders Pizza With A Magical Phone - Home Alone (1990)
Source: © Home alone / Twentieth Century Fox and co-producers
The answer isn’t magic. Hank Hultquist, vice president of telecommunications company AT&T, explained that during the time of the film the local calls are another type of connection so they could still work.
10. Andy’s Poster - The Shawshank Redemption
Source: Columbia Pictures
The flashback explaining Andy’s escape is the answer. He pinned his poster on two spots: top and bottom. He then unpinned the bottom half and crawled into the hole. The top half of the poster was still secured, keeping the poster in place.
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