20 Workers Who Will Have To Explain These Situations
Have you ever experienced one of those workdays? We've all experienced moments when we're unsure if something is the result of Murphy's Law or a bad omen. Sometimes laughing is all you can muster. It makes sense why #workfails is consistently trending on so many social media sites. Small company errors might be dangerous, but these workplace accidents are funny, and we can't help but identify with the main characters. or ought we to refer to them as victims?
Looking for some of the greatest work blunders on the web? Do you have any vested interests in other people's suffering? Look nowhere else! We've compiled some of the funniest office misfortunes as well as some work-from-home blunders.
The president of Job Market Experts, Robert Meier, claims that only 2% of applicants are chosen for an interview after the initial resume screening eliminates 98% of applicants. However, as our essay demonstrates, sometimes even the most careful methods for gauging an employee's knowledge and abilities are insufficient.
We have put up a compilation of employee inventions and failures that will probably make you laugh and wonder, "How in the world did this happen?!" The workers will have to explain these situations.
Looking for some of the greatest work blunders on the web? Do you have any vested interests in other people's suffering? Look nowhere else! We've compiled some of the funniest office misfortunes as well as some work-from-home blunders.
The president of Job Market Experts, Robert Meier, claims that only 2% of applicants are chosen for an interview after the initial resume screening eliminates 98% of applicants. However, as our essay demonstrates, sometimes even the most careful methods for gauging an employee's knowledge and abilities are insufficient.
We have put up a compilation of employee inventions and failures that will probably make you laugh and wonder, "How in the world did this happen?!" The workers will have to explain these situations.
#1 A good name for your ex's toilet paper
Source: © ZuberMario/Imgur
#2 "Finally, I can enjoy watermelons without bones. Glad to see they worked that out."
Source: © Chilliad_YT/Reddit
#3 This is totally safe
Source: © Unknown/Imgur
#4 When you run out of paint, but still have a lot of paper
Source: © HidroProtagonist/Reddit
#5 Okay, no more happiness
Source: © TheTurducken100/Reddit
#6 When there's no money for road repairs in the budget
Source: © Show1591/Pikabu
#7 I wasn't "doing the bathrooms" anyway
Source: © Glaidtors/Reddit
#8 Is this safe enough?
Source: © parkwaygive/Reddit
#9 Is this a result of laziness, creativity or poor eyesight?
Source: © ameliograph/Reddit
#10 "You want to play games with me, huh?"
Source: © vfdsugarbowl/Reddit
#11 Somebody needs a raise
Source: Smallbiz
#12 When you didn't expect a free haircut
Source: Smallbiz
#13 Foiled by Fido
Source: Smallbiz
#14 Maybe don't take your advice so seriously next time
Source: Smallbiz
#15 Double check that mirror before work
Source: Smallbiz
#16 It was meant to be a plane. Now it's only a dream
Source: © HandlebarMustache77/Reddit
#17 Close enough
Source: © br41n/Imgur
#18 For those who are tired of living a boring life:
Source: © deryclem/Reddit
#19 Well, the box doesn't look obvious, as long as no one reads it
Source: © NicoleDaviess_/Twitter
#20 If you're not sure...
Source: © LexieFM/Reddit
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