
50 Spot-On Funny Tweets About Friendship For Your Soul-To-Soul Buddies

They say that lovers are easy to find but hard to keep; while soulmates are hard to find but easy to keep. Looking for best friends is demanding. However, once made, they remain mates forever. We all know it is simple to make new friends at school, work, or on some random playground. Regardless, letting somebody who doesn't share the same bloodline across the safety zone into the secret space in heart and soul and addressing that person as a best friend requires time, effort, and courage.
Nevertheless, things don't always go the same path. Some people know they are bonded in a tight friendship just by several details like laughing at a joke together or a straightforward encouragement. The bluebird community has stored numerous Funny Tweets about friendship, which we are glad to share with you. Then, when you and your gang look for some topics to chitchat about, you can tag them under a few relatable stories.

#1 And did the same.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: stfufeeIs

#2 I am that male best friend. You are 100% correct

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: izzyluvss222

#3 Acceptance with no judgment.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: Smilebklyn

#4 Pick up where you left off with no apologies.

Source: humblecore

#5 Or when they laugh at your joke when nobody else knows what you're talking about.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: jennaaclaire

#6 I disagree even when she’s right.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: mamateaemporium

#7 I used to think I would be much more social

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: selenalarson

#8 Validation makes the difference.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: GraceFVictory

#9 YESSSSSSS!!!!!!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: thisisjendoll

#10 You know you're BFFs when you wear matching outfits!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: mvxhoang

#11 True or False?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: This_PrettyGurl

#12 "Yass, girl!"

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: efriesen4

#13 You're not alone in this

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: KevinLangue

#14 That's beautiful

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: betsycoitus

#15 Before getting stuff of my chest...

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: ItsMiri

#16 "?No I don't want no scrubs, a scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me?"

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: roastmalone_

#17 11 close friends plus 1 dastardly frenemy

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: Mormonger

#18 Are you sure 6/9 is Best Friends Day, Joe?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: JoeBiden

#19 Wait until you hit your 60's

Source: JenniferJokes

#20 Happy, to infinity and beyond!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: PAVGOD

#21 YES! Thousand times YES!!!!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: katienolan

#22 Ah yes, happy memories

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: ginapple_

#23 And private browser

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: NYC_Blonde

#24 They're like children, what can you do?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: jonnyguapo_

#25 It will break a friendship.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: xboochers

#26 Then they take a screenshot of it

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: GianGinoble

#27 100% ?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: garyhgoodridge

#28 Cherish every word

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: aparnapkin

#29 If you don't have one of these, you need one. It's the difference between feeling like an idiot and feeling like a validated idiot.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: herrdiaryyy

#30 I'm friending you for sure!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: OtherDanOBrien

#31 I'm very appreciative and always thank them profusely

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: FactsOfSchool

#32 I have nothing without my friends

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: WhiskeyPapi_

#33 "We are best friends. Always remember that when you fall, I'll sit down beside you and comment on how beautiful the grass looks from down here."

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: girletweets

#34 I’m a new person

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: bigkayy_

#35 Should you get more than you give?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: gaialect

#36 Keep them! They are best friends for life and beyond.

Source: abidickson01

#37 I'm very weird. ?

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: supershayne


Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: mxrionox

#39 *Anyway*

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: 9GAG

#40 It's not bad to have friends from other generations.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: 4EJMurda

#41 My great aunt told me in my teens I should choose my friends like I choose my bras. They should be uplifting, make you feel at your best, and always be comfortable.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: ambwosia

#42 "We don't have any other friends besides this group"

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: jxnnyway

#43 Incredible creatures!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: snailfraud

#44 I remember that as a big part of who I am

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: sophietexas_

#45 Where you only know them by their nicknames.

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: holy_schnitt

#46 We said hello etc and then just looked at each other and nodded.

Source: vayu_7

#47 "Introverted but willing to discuss dinosaurs"

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: TheAndrewNadeau

#48 Then they wait a thousand years...

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: sannewman

#49 And then the moment you put their address into your phone contacts, they go and move again!

Funny Tweets about friendshipSource: annabroges

#50 You don't realize how bad it is until you get out.

Source: quenblackwell

Would you feel like you wish to hug your buddies now? Or would you like to share a piece of your mind about friendships and stuff? Please, write them down in the comment section below after hitting the like button! You want your friends to see this piece, don't you? Don't wait to share it with them immediately!
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