15 Wives Who Never Make Their Husbands Feel Bored Thanks To Their Pretty Cool Sense Of Humor
The stereotype of a wife is often described as a boring lady who loves to gossip and complain. Plus, some men say marriage is the tomb of a romantic ship. Perhaps the idea is drawn by those who are tired of their wives. This concept scares many young people who wonder what they are looking for in their relationships.
To be fair, we think marriage is various and can become the most important part of someone's life. Henceforth, we wish to save some credits for marriage with a short collection of stories about salty married ladies who have a good sense of humor as well as unique ways of taking care of their families. Thanks to their hilarious craziness, their wives never bore their husbands.
And yes, when it comes to love, no more words are needed. Let's feel it by heart and soul! Today, we mention 15 wives who never make their husbands feel bored thanks to their pretty cool sense of humor.
To be fair, we think marriage is various and can become the most important part of someone's life. Henceforth, we wish to save some credits for marriage with a short collection of stories about salty married ladies who have a good sense of humor as well as unique ways of taking care of their families. Thanks to their hilarious craziness, their wives never bore their husbands.
And yes, when it comes to love, no more words are needed. Let's feel it by heart and soul! Today, we mention 15 wives who never make their husbands feel bored thanks to their pretty cool sense of humor.
#1 We were looking through old pictures of me when my wife started laughing and showed me the dog’s flea pills from the cupboard.
Source: © phelyan/reddit
#2 This is what happens when my husband, who is married to a makeup artist, has the NERVE to fall asleep early when I’m in town:
Source: © BananaWaffles12/reddit
#3 My wife wanted to let the pizza place know that they’re overdoing it with the advertising:
Source: © texasproof/reddit
#4 I called my wife a sandwich maker...
Source: © vollkommenes/imgur
#5 My wife called me to the bathroom to see the work she did on my shampoo bottle:
Source: © daftpanzy/imgur
#6 My wife called to say she picked up 50 shades of gray. This was not what I was expecting when I got home...
Source: © completem/imgur
#7 My husband thought I couldn’t shave his foot without waking him up. This is what he woke up to the next morning:
Source: © unknown/imgur
#8 My wife, a geologist, gave this to me for my birthday:
Source: © unknown/imgur
#9 My wife must think I’m stupid...
Source: © bmwhd/reddit
#10 So my wife is going away for a few months. This is how she left our bed this morning:
Source: © SelfishMentor/reddit
#11 My friend made this for her husband:
Source: © unknown/imgur
#12 My wife found a way to hide her candy from her colleagues:
Source: © GillTAzell/imgur
#13 I Left For A Day. My Wife Knew Exactly What I Wanted To Do When I Got Home
Source: malcolm10
#14 My Sister's April Fools' Prank On Her Husband
Source: Olikria
#15 Was Wondering Why My Wife Was Giggling When She Asked Me To Change The Air Filters
Source: AelyneMB
#16 My Wife Took This Picture And Has Been Sending It Out And Laughing About It For 3 Hours
Source: iherpmyselftoday
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